Monday, September 28, 2009

Dancing Flames.

Perhaps I'm tired of this.

Perhaps... I'm just not graceful enough.

And yet like a strobe in the sky, a rainbow stretches over the blue-grey canvas and covers me with light. I am exposed, naked and yet unashamed, because I know that You are more than enough for me.

I'm like a child, seemingly innocent but stubborn in the arms of the One who loves me.

The thunders roared, and the rain attacked the earth with bullets of heavy droplets, pounding in on the benevolent soil. The earth saturated all it could muster, but the waters had a mind of their own as they began to flood the plains, drowning the flora of all their air- and their freedom.
The winds howled and shook the dome that protected us, but your firm hold refused to submit the umbrella to the winds' power. I huddled closer to you for your protection, and for the warmth that seeped out from your thick layer of clothes. I wasn't cold, but I shivered, scared by the violent storms that overwhelmed us.

Your arm came around me and pulled me close, and in your hand, you revealed to me a warmth that was so delicate and fragile; it sat in its humble container which your fingers protectively curved around, and opened.... you were encouraging me to hold it.

I glanced at you over and over with eyes so chaste, so mischievous as I watched the flame lick at the candle's wick, and thick drops of excess wax dripping from its caved in form. I carefully took the candle from your hand, and held it close to my eyes so I could examine it more closely. I dared not touch it; the warmth teased at me as it flickered against the winds, and I giggled at its dancing flame.

Suddenly, I wanted to run away. I pushed your warm physique away, and I kept the candle close to my face to keep myself warm instead. I couldn't look at you when I did, but I was convinced the this candle was enough to keep me warm. Quickly, I covered the tiny flame with my hand, and, holding it close, I began to run into the storms and into the darkness.

My light was limited, and the darkness was becoming eminent. Although the rain was light, my candle's flame was fading. It swayed and flickered with the soft howls of the wind, battling against the drizzle that threatened to eradicate my only source of light. I desperately tried to protect my flame, covering it from the soft sprinkles of water from above, but the wind was catching on from the side, and the candle's flame was slowly diminishing. I panicked when a sudden gust of wind send chills down my spine, and the flame disappeared for a split-second; I sighed in relief when I found a minuscule bud of light emitting from the wick . Tears budded in my eyes as I watched the flame struggle...

I was suddenly shaken by a malevolent rumble in the skies; off guarded, the candle slipped out of my hands, and landed in the mud. Suddenly, I had no light any more. The winds grew stronger, and the rain began to pelt down on me. Thunders began to roar, and lightning strikes surrounded me. I fell to my knees in weary fear, searching for my lost source of light. Tears were streaming down my face, but their warmth was quickly stolen by the rain's ice-cold drops. My hands fumbled around the slimy mud, and grabbed a hold of what once was my light.
Diminished, broken, and gone.

I was alone. No warmth, no shelter, and no light. I wailed and screamed in protest...

And I was suddenly scooped into your arms and sheltered by your umbrella. It was still dark, but the warmth from your body instantly calmed me down as you rushed me out of the storm. Cold and shivering, you brought me into a shelter and laid me by the fire...

I stared at the flames in fascination; they licked at the firewood as they danced in the fireplace. Odd pops and cracks sent tiny orbs of light in some directions, which quickly fizzled out as it hit the sand. The fire instantly warmed my heart, and in turn, began to warm my body. I slowly stopped shivering as I continued to stare at the flames, so thankful of its warmth, and its light...

And that it wasn't going to fade.

Without You, my fire will fade.
Keep me close, and make me willing to obey You.

LOL, Sarah.

1 comment:

Nickyyyy said...

you delivered quantity and quality :)