Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fragrant Essences.

It's my time to share tonight.
Ain't he cute? (:
Jeff Thomas, for all the hermits out there. British comedian, lovely humour, cute as.

Oh, and good sense of style :p.

I reckon this is pretty cool. Coldplay's pretty awesome.
- Strawberry Swing

So it seems I've run out of things to say,
And yet I keep speaking anyway.
Apparently songs express what our words can't
As emotions can be shown through your dance.

If I rewrote my own lyrics into mere words,
I don't think they would show their worth.
So I think I'll try with heavy remorse,
To give back to you what's already yours.

My throat has grown hoarse, and words no longer escape from my lips. My cough is dry and unsatisfying, and my vocal chords fail to reverberate how they usually would.
I feel so empty not singing ): I'm fine with not being able to talk... but not being able to sing? It's as if I have no medium left to express myself.

At the very least, I have this; words that could never possibly be articulated out loud, but the very essence of my thoughts laid out on a plain field for all to only see and enjoy.

And hopefully I'm successful in this.

LOL, Sarah.
Yes, the lyrics are dodgy and original. (:

1 comment:

Nickyyyy said...

haha yeah, he is funny :)

I would so turn gay for him....


*runs away