Thursday, November 5, 2009

Staggering Denouement.

This is officially the 199th posted blog. It feels good. I love the awkward feel of borderlining 200, but not counting that number as important. (;

I think I'm the only one who's read all of my blogs so far. Cool stuff!

... And my blog tells me I have 205 posts. It's so unreliable -.-"

Anyway. Hello.

"One, two, three, four..."

I mumbled numbers under my breath as I counted each crevasse and bump whilst running my fingers over the rough surface. From time to time, my fingers would dip into a crack, and follow the wooden trench along as it arched along the awkwardly shaped dome. The natural carvings within the wood were covered in sharp needles of bark, attempting to graze and splinter at the tips of my fingers, but my index dodged the traps as it continued to glide over the stump, and I continued to count the rings; the memories that the tree once had.

It once stood so tall, so majestic and strong. No one would have thought it would falter; it could not be swayed, nor could it move from its place. The tree stood with the deepest of roots and the strongest of foundations. Its branches were lavished with brilliant, deep greens, its leaves bursting with life and animation as they rustled in the gentle cradle of the wind. Bright, vivacious colour livened the branches further as plumps of red fruit extended from the smaller branches, dangling in the face of danger at the tree's subtle swings from side to side.

The tree was fruitful, bursting with life, and remained so strong, that even when gusts whipped and sliced at its trunk, it would stand its ground, its leaves fluttering about and its fruit following suit. There was nothing that could move this tree.

So what happened? It wouldn't be swayed, it wouldn't falter, but there is nothing left but a stump. Its deepest roots and most steadfast of foundations have lost its purpose, and the strong, majestic trunk, followed by its delightful branches once filled with life have now disappeared. No one could any longer boast of this mighty tree, because it was gone. It didn't even stand a chance against the jagged teeth of man's new best friend: technology.

The powers of nature and environment may not have swayed us for all this time, and for sure, I was convinced that we would hold for years to come. But who could foresee the cruel death of this tree by the hands of man?

... And of all hands, yours?

Did you know that...
The term web was coined because the internet is like a spider's web, all intertwined and connected?
And blogging was coined because of the nature of logging your account onto the web - thus web logging?

Oh, the fascinations of the simple things. :)

LOL, Sarah.
Please click on the picture, it oozes of majesty.


Nickyyyy said...

mine says I've got like 120 blogs ><

*todays word verification is...phexper :)

Amy said...

oooo learnt something new today :)

Amy said...

ah, change of theme and photo.... nice :)