Saturday, November 7, 2009

Movie Treats.

The clouds were drawn towards the horizon in a hazy, soft manner. They were distant; harmless, and yet they captivated me through their beauty. I looked onwards as I saw them aloft, colliding in harmony with the sky scrapers; they looked like popcorn so heavily stuffed into its box that it caved in, overflowing with puffs of yellow and white. But the clouds maintained their clumped, sharp shape as they floated in the distance.

You can't help but wonder to yourself what the weather's like where the clouds are... Is it raining? Is it overcast? Is there a heaven-sent sign dawning upon them after a light drizzle?

Two hours later.

As I elevated my eyes towards the pale blue dome that encompassed the atmosphere once again, I found the clouds dispersed from their clumped heap of popcorn-like forms. As they began to stretch across the horizon, the glints off the edges of the clouds began to fade into the soft azure, and the popcorn clouds melted into bundles of white, fluffy fairy-floss which hung across the sky.

And I realised just this: clouds in the distance look a lot more like popcorn, and as they draw near, they tend to soften and become like fairy floss... I think I resort to food too much.

Another two hours later...

The clouds had overcome, but the sun shone brightly, reminding me instantly of the silver lining beyond each grey. A soft haze began to encompass the horizon and met the sun in its descent, with a pale blue carrying the clouds in every direction, like patches of black on a dalmatian puppy which disperse as it ages.

And it was now that I decided to take a momentous picture, because I will never cease to be amazed at their simplicity; the wisps of white that, by the imagination, creates such colourful pictures within our minds, and although with them, they bring along rain... there's a lining, and it's silver among every cloud, and a promise that follows soon after (:

I love nature. I love clouds, animals, flora, fauna... but I hate water. o.O

I don't really understand the look you give me; in anger, spite, or in desperation. But I don't want to face your facade. I would rather face nothing.

LOL, Sarah.

1 comment:

Nickyyyy said...

Like the photo, and the blog of course