Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chocolate Intervention.

Is it habit that I don't post on the first of each month anymore? o.O

For now, I just feel... fine.

So, I'm sorry that things aren't working out. I just don't think I can handle another best friend, not after last time.

So badly, I want to be exposed. Like a chocolate fountain, thick with rich yet secretive ingredients, and yet poured out for the world to see and savour. Yet no one will ever know just how delicate this chocolate is until they take a strawberry and dip it in. Even so, the strawberry distills the taste. It hides away the true identity of its companion.

Or perhaps my fountain is lackluster... dull. Chocolate never shone brightly, nor sparkled as it dripped so smoothly from platform to platform. It would not be able to provide with delightful entertainment that water fountains may, nor could it rush like a violent stream down the sides of the fondue.

So yes, it was lackluster. Perhaps uninteresting... but it maintained some kind of mysteriousness, by which no one knew whether it was too chocolatey, sugary, or too plain as it looked. And even so, it would still dazzle me.

I cower at anyone who dares to try and discover my taste. Their sudden authority to tip me out and leave me to clog the drain... It scares me deeply, because I don't want to give up. Not just yet. I may be in the drain, but I resist being washed away by the streams of water trembling down...

Even so, maybe I want to share.

To enjoy the honey that trickled towards the surface of my lips, and the warm ooze of banana as it melted in my mouth. The fluffy blanket of freshly heated batter tore so easily as I passed the knife through it, and cream dribbled delicately from its soft crevasses. As I placed the treat into my mouth, my heart almost swooned at the rich, creamy texture of the crepe. With haste, I scooped a small amount of ice-cream and dipped the spoon into my mouth, its chilly sensation tingled at the tip of my tongue as the textures enveloped in the cages of my teeth.

This sweet, sober moment was to be savoured...

But never alone. I wish it was never.

LOL, Sarah.


Amy said...

man i'm craving chocolate fondue now... :)

how abt we go out for some after exams are over? would love to hear about the inspiration behind this beautiful set of prose :)

Nickyyyy said...

I forgot where this will tie in but...

Maybe people want to "taste" you so that they can discover the wonderful person that you are. And with your personality, I doubt there will ever be someone who won't turn and pour your remains down the drain and flush you away with water.