Sunday, November 15, 2009


Dear teachers:

This is my letter of concern to the academic progress of the up and coming students of my generation. I just would like to point out to you a serious flaw in the system, because we understand that none of you are impressed with our apathetic demeanor towards school. So, I'm writing to tell you what the majority of us are feeling about your disappointment.

Maybe we would take school more seriously if each year actually counted for something at the end of it. As in...
DON'T MAKE OUR FUTURE RELY ON THE RESULTS OF YEAR 12 ONLY. What happens if we had a bad year?

That's really it, I suppose. Everything suddenly relying on one year is just not fair. Not only is there no consistency, there's an overwhelming amount of pressure; poor study habits, and well, I know these are choices that we choose to make. However... what happens if we did awesome in one year but failed at the next? Or failed at the year before, but aced the next?

No consistency. That's all I'm saying.

LOL, Sarah.

1 comment:

Nickyyyy said...

you're telling me!

I failed maths and aced english in yr 8, aced maths and failed english in yr 9, failing maths and kinda acing english this year
