Thursday, November 26, 2009

Memoirs Of Elementary.

Have you ever felt guilty for showering whilst it was raining outside?
Cos I have.

[In no particular order...]

- Hilton Thai and I used to roam on the school grounds, pretending to be dinosaurs.
- Nafiye Suleyman, who was my best friend for almost my entire Primary School life :) we used to stand in the doorways pretending to be trapped in a prison, and then we'd try to escape from it.. from no one :P
- Jesse Stafrace and I tried to bully each other by abusing each other's surnames, And I'd cry, and then later on we'd be friends again :]
- Aaron Santos denied my request to play four square, and I ran off like a little sulk. Haha I cried so much =3=. And Nafiye, I remember distinctly, preceded to say "Nice one! You hurt her feelings!" And ran after me.
- Benjamin Sortino, my only primary school crush... who everyone thought liked someone else. Does Mugambah Buhana from grade 4 ring any bells to you?
- Ashlee Polidano and Ben were the class couple in grade 5.. even though they weren't.. I don't think? :P
- Ashlee Marmara, my second best friend.
- Lisa Le, who I tried to convert in grade 3 by telling her to remember the crucifixion :| LOL!
- Linda Nguyen, who let me borrow a teddy on 'Bring Your Bear' Day.. or was it John? :O
- Chu Chen! Who had liked me for ages, and spoiled my last day by telling me that people were signing cards for me when I came back from my trumpet lesson.
- Tracy Tran, who showed me what a friendship book was... and also pressured me into liking Asian boys in grade 5... and I remember you saying "I hate it when people think I'm angry at them or greasing them when all I'm doing is squinting at the sun!"
- James Burke, who had a bit of a tummy and always acted like a goof :P
- John, who was always too shy to talk to me (and was and still is obsessed with Pokemon).
- Hoan Dang, who I thought was possibly the quietest kid in the world...
- Douglas Burgos, who always went up to me with John to get him to confess his feelings for me because John was to scared to do it himself :P
- Kathy Truong was taller than EVERYONE.. seriously everyone.
- Erold Dejito convinced me that before we get to heaven, Satan was going to ask us if we like the number 6, and if we did, we'd go to hell. LOL
- Huy Tran, who always smiled.. and was the first brace-face I knew :] so cute LOL
- Jay Amatya, who Mr. Elliot in grade 5 asked him what franchise meant.. and he was the only one who knew it. Everyone was amazed. Utterly amazed.

I do remember the last day of school, when we finished at 1:30, and we went over to Chu's house. We put in my new CD (I think someone gave it to me for a gift... was it you, Chu?) Bring Me To Life - Evanescence began to play, and Ben preceded to sing like a pansy. Of course, all guys sounded like girls then because they hadn't had their voices broken yet. And Chu tried to hit on me! LOL with the whole *yawn.. puts arm around shoulder* move.
And us and the rest of the boys had pizza :]
Best friends included: Nafiye, Ashlee, Linda, Tracy...

I was possibly the biggest tomboy, with an endless list of guys who we played downball for hours on end. Or at least until play time finished!
And I also remember:
- Lindita Demiri
- Hao Dang [ran into you a while ago...]
- Christopher Dealey
- Christopher Le
- Dilek Ozen
- Simon Vo [ran into you too... :]
- Andy Lieu
.. And people whose last names I don't remember D:
Comment if you remember any more :]

Miss you all,
LOL, Sarah.

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