Saturday, July 4, 2009

My Personal Angel.

This is an account delivered by someone close to me, close to my heart, and has examined my every move from today.

She struggled to wake this morning as she listened to the drone of her three alarms, all going off at once. She splayed her hand out off her bed, reached towards her phone and turned off the first alarm. She knew that the second alarm would turn off after its 30 seconds of fame, meanwhile she could listen to the purr of her third alarm, which was the music on her iPod. She dazed in and out of sleep as she dreamily hummed to the sweet music to her ears.

Eventually, her eyes flicked open as she was reminded of the day ahead, and found herself struggling to roll out of bed as the rumpled mess of her blankets secured her legs together. She looked like a tired old mess, but that didn't stop her as she continued to wake up and ready herself for the day, 2 hours before she was due to leave.

She was certainly nervous as entered the car, for what the immediate future entailed was definitely uncertain to her. She enjoyed the short moments she spent with one of her most loved friends. She never took for granted these moments, whether it be silence, or lightheartedly the nutshell of the tragedies of her life. In any case, she always took comfort in him; she felt at ease with him around, even despite what is happening tonight...

She met up with some of the girls, and finalised the planning for the day; a photoshoot was to be held, and outfits, make-up and scenery were first priority. The park we beautiful as she walked around, umbrella in hand as the rain drizzled over her. Thoughts ran through her mind; thoughts that no one else would ever see, never could, never will, and she continued to wait till her turn.

She knew the photos today would turn out amazing, thanks to the people she worked with. They all returned to Highpoint with the buzz of excitement of getting White Mochas from San Churro, whilst also weighed down with exhaustion, and enjoyed conversing about the success of the day so far.

Upon returning to church, she found herself battling against her heart as she struggled to keep her face perfectly composed; his name rang loudly in her ears, clear and vibrant, and she desired no one know about what had been happening to her lately... The night was tiresome, but definitely fun, for I can see that she enjoyed herself; her heart was genuinely filled with joy and laughter, and her actions showed that with such humour and enthusiasm as she pushed herself to work for the team. It was a fun night, but I saw her mind collide with her rock bottom as she overheard a single question...

And now she just sits here, drying her eyes...

No one hears from her until another day, perhaps.

Luke 8:18: "Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.”

"Whoever loves, to him more love will be given, and whoever does not love, even what he seems to love will be torn from him"

This is the official anniversary of my heart being torn to pieces by your snatching of one of the deepest heartstrings that had been drilled deeply into my heart.

Oh, clarity.

Life Goes On.

LOL, Sarah.

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