Friday, July 3, 2009

De Ja Vu.

You have gone from my thoughts, to my dreams, and have settled for manifesting in my everyday conversations. And you make me feel like an idiot.

It's as if the wound, so fresh, so tender that you left a year ago is being ripped open again. My heart is tearing at its very seams as I come to think of everything this has come to. One stitch, wrenched off as I see the state of us at the very moment. A second stitch, snapping under the pressure of the overwhelming sadness that continues to grow as time drags on. Another stitch, bursting from its seam as guilt... failure... overflow from my suppressed heart. And finally, the last stitch, barely holding on as a single thread struggles to hold on to what nothing we have left.

I've tried so hard for us, I did my very best, but you're just letting me bleed to death. And still... It's my fault, isn't it? It's my fault that I'm letting us die, that I let you die.

I thought I had a mere scar as a memory, but you've been picking at it so harshly, and it's obvious that it was only plastered in scabs and loose stitches.

I'm done overthinking about you, but I treasure these things in my heart. It's the most I can do, because you've found your way into every conversation.

At least you don't haunt me in my dreams, anymore?

I don't feel very well today, but I had an awesome week. My friend and I organised a photoshoot for her, and in the past two days, we took some really gut gripping photos, and they were simply amazing. Thanks everyone for the help, and for Angeline for organising everything! :)

Tuesday didn't treat us very well, and neither did Thursday... but today, we persevered, and we succeeded.

Tonight was awesome as well, we had a grand time commemorating the life and death of the famous Michael Jackson, possibly one of the greatest influences in music who ever lived.

Golly, I love our youth group.

LOL, Sarah.

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