Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dreaming Reality.

A couple of things to write about today! I was going to post yesterday, but lethargy's likes caught me, and I have been unable to post until now... which is a weird time for me to post, considering I woke up about two hours ago.

So, I ran into a chair yesterday, and golly, did it hurt. It was one of those chairs that are like concrete blocks that have been conveniently glued to the ground so that if you ever ran into it, the chair wouldn't budge, and you'll be left with something like what I have now. It's not great.

I once dreamed of a future where children would be sparked to ask of the history of nature, how it came into being, and why it's so beautiful. They would run into the bramble bushes, finding an abundance in berries and different kinds of flowers, and discovering butterflies scattering across the clear, blue sky as they fluttered about. They would dig up the fresh, fertile soil and find a million species of bugs and tiny creatures that they've never seen before, examining their colour and behaviour as the creatures wriggled, crawled and scrambled around in their hands. I dreamed that children would climb up an age old tree, steadying themselves on a tall branch, and reaching out their hands as the wind blew against them. They would laugh and scream to me, "I'm flying, just like a bird!" They would race to the jungles and forests, and finding themselves in the middle of its untouched life; they'd find animals, ranging from the smallest bug to the largest of mammals, and flowers of all seasons and colours blooming in vibrance. They would explore the deepest of the ocean depths, through the serenity and clarity of blue, they would discover the most beautiful of sea flora and fauna, amazed at the abundance in colour in a place they'd never thought they could be. They would lie down in the crisp, green grass, and simply stare at the dazzling stars that shone upon them, and they would giggle and laugh as they formed pictures from the brightest of stars, and the moon would smile in response to their joy and awe of the blanket that covered their world.

But I'm thrown back into the reality and future that I now face, where children would wonder about the smokey streets with gas masks on their faces and goggles to protect their eyes. They'd venture into the murky lanes, fully clothed in protective wear, finding great piles of rubbish; unused, unwanted and unrecycled objects scattered across the street, and they'd laugh as they raced each other through the obstacles. They would hold their breath as they travelled across an old bridge, examining the murky waters, where gas bubbles would from time to time surface from the dark abyss, and their eyes would widen in excitement at what could be under the thickly polluted stream. They'd discover forests of abandoned cities and villages, and carefully sorting through antiques, they'd collect whatever was unfamiliar; that is, CDs that weren't broken, a pair of spectacles, a dead remote control, a filthy glass bottle, filled with uninviting contents, and, if they were lucky, a rustic lockett necklace that contained a barely recognisable picture of a family standing in front of a vibrant green, blue and brown background. They would furrow their eyebrows in confusion with this picture, they would race back home and ask me, "What was nature? Was it beautiful?" They would settle themselves on old clothes, and lie back, staring at cloudy sky, and point at the slim glimpses of light. They'd stare, full of awe and wonder at the origins of a shimmer that broke through the clouds, fighting its way to the ground, where it struggled to warm a single tiny stem of the distant, foggy past that I once knew.

Then I would stare through muddy eyes, gazing across the horizon, where man's creation stood tall and dead, the streets were filled with hollow despair, and the heavens were stained with a cruel black, enriched with consuming death.

And I wonder...

What does the future hold for us?

I will post up my dream tomorrow :) I have this policy of not posting 2 creative posts in one day... so yeah!

LOL, Sarah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL that's very smooth of you to run into a chair. You just wanted an excuse to show off your leg on blogspot!!