Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sunshine Of Your Love.

I attempted myself to sink deeper into the cool tiles that my entire body was splayed over. I pushed my face as far as I could; I only achieved a possibly bruised cheekbone. It was scorching hot, and I could not take one more minute under blistering heat. The tiles beneath me sucked in the heat that resonated so fiercely out of every pore of my body, and in turn released that same heat back to me, causing the need for me lift myself off my secret cooling area. Lazily, I pulled myself onto my study chair, which quickly met with the sweat dripping off my legs, causing an uncomfortable bond between my limbs and my chair. I was slumped forward on top of my laptop; my table wheeled slightly before hitting the wall to steady my sudden weight upon it. I groaned loudly, but it quickly faded; my air-conditioner was battling desperately against the heatwave, with a loud, rhythmic buzzing bouncing off the walls of my large confine, and overpowering any other sound that attempted to become more voluminous than itself.

I was listening to music; it struggled to keep clear, through my old speakers, and my laptop never ceased to try and burn my fingers as I swiftly activated it and took advantage of its benefits. Yet soon I closed it again, for lack of motivation to move anymore that would cause energy to be used as I'd contract and relax my muscles.

I didn't expect you to speak to me so quickly, so suddenly interested in me and my sluggish life under the harsh heat. But you were, and we maintained a hopeful conversation that could have lead for hours. I felt exhausted; the water that was stolen from my body left me weak and tired, and I could barely keep interest in you as you skipped around me, asking question after question, oblivious to my lack of attention. My eyes fell to the ground, and slowly my eyelids followed. Soon I was drenched in steaming darkness; could black really hold so much heat? I could not comprehend it as I calculated that light produced heat, not complete darkness. I contemplated further, before a sudden chill went through my spine as a cold rock landed on my neck. I flinched, and was suddenly thrown back to reality.

You smiled at me mischievously with your block of ice in hand. I was too tired return fire, so I just greased at you grudgingly. You spun my chair around so that I was facing you, faces inches apart. I sniffed, and pushed you away, scrunching my nose together to indicate my distaste in your odour. I smirked as you took my action seriously for a split second, before kicking my chair and sent me spinning. In an attempt to slow down, I moved my legs, but before they could reach the floor, my calf cramped, and my leg retracted to my body. I could not stop myself, not at least whilst being in so much pain.

The chair was slowing down gradually, but I almost flew off when your hand slammed down on the back of my chair. I groaned at your little games; I was suffering deeply, and I was too tired for games.

What do you want, boy?

But I knew it was I that had the question. It had overtaken my mind for the past few days, and I was deeply puzzled and curious of the answer that could possibly be provided for me; had I only asked.

But maybe I shouldn't have asked anything, or even hinted my curiosity, whatsoever. Maybe it was better that we didn't know what we know now.


*Sigh*, I think I have the likes of writer's block, or something. But this heat; it's inspirational dude. I'm thinking of making a story... It involves the life of a girl, and the part her father plays in guiding her throughout it. You could kind of get the gist, I suppose, if you know what I'm talking about? Haha. Sorry. Night.

LOL, Sarah.

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