Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What's brown and sticky?

Shut up, the pain doesn't need to spread.

Friendships are like trees. There are rings of life; filled with memories that define what we are now. They grow layer upon layer as we bond over the years, distinguishing the hard times from the best. Sometimes there isn't a very stable branch in our friendships, but that's snapped off easily, and a stronger one replaces it. The blossoming of our friendships is so obvious as onlookers look by us, intrigued at such fruitfulness in our friendship tree. We've developed a steady foundation in good soil, and we continue to branch out, and we distinguish ourselves from other trees.

But I think there's just one thing that's stunting our growth; we're almost completely hollow. Other beings have interveined our friendships; distracting us from growing together. These beings make a living out of our friendships, and it feels as if we're being used. Or well, at least, one of us are. But I cannot grow without you. I need you to put in your side so that my side won't cause the tree to lean to one side. Eventually, it would fall down without your contribution. But don't worry. I'll only go as far as you'll go. I won't pursue growth if it's not your desire. Because I only want what's best for you.

An expression of my thoughts.

LOL, Sarah.

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