Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hero Heroine.

(This is really the first time I'm actually writing for an audience as if I'm speaking to them... well first one in a while, since I've only really been posting blogs about me venting. Anyway, enjoy :D. (You better not have read this if you get distracted easily... haha!))

I'm sure everyone has heroes/heroines, inspirations, aspirations, role models or admirations, whether it be your best friend, leader, celebrity, parents, or even your pet. Heck, I'll even give you your favourite TV show. But I'm sure you get my drift, that everyone has someone or something that they look up to. But why? I'll tell you why.

When you ask someone who they look to and why, they usually first tell you who they look up to. That's plain and simple. Now, many times, I've seen, heard, read and watched people tell about their heroes/heroines. The reasons as to why their role model is their role model are usually given about how amazing they are, how they've impacted the admirer's life, how utterly perfect they are, and the skill in their talent or their beauty and grace in the choices they make.

Why am I talking about this? Quite frankly, I actually have no idea. But I suppose I do have a simple point to point out (pardon the pun). I myself have a few inspirations of my own. They range from my friends to my family, and maybe one or two celebrities. Now I also must say that these people inspire me so much because of the choices they make, their talent and skill, and their passion for what they do. They are all simply amazing people, and I would not ever trade them for the world, and neither would I allow myself to be swayed by what other people say, do or think about these people.

However, I do find one simple problem in this. I'm not sure about other people, but I find myself almost mimicking those who I look up to (hence, the picture, where the monkey mimics the human, or the other way... something like that). Since I'm readily talking about the picture, I would like to elaborate on my choice of image (I never use pictures, do I? Ha). Now in this situation, you can see the clear difference between the two figures. One's a monkey, the other is a human. Simple enough, isn't it? Yet they are both doing exactly the same thing, which is from what I see hooting or calling or kissing the air... you get where I'm coming from (post comments about what they look like they're doing, yeah?) Moving right along, I believe that in many ways, we are the same as, shall we say, the monkey, who is trying to be like the human (vice-versa, you have it how you want). This picture tells me a lot about how we are with our role models. No, actually, I think this moreso relates to me. This paragraph is getting too big (I'm tired, bare with me (LOL, my paragraphs slowly get bigger... sorry)).

What do you think is a more appropriate description for your feelings towards wanting to be like your role model? Cute? Creepy? Admirable? Cheap? I think it's cute. Why? Because I find that with my role models (I don't know if it's just me or not, but anywho), I mimic small habits originally taken up by my role model. For example, 2 years ago, my youth group met up with another youth group, BASIC, who were a majority of Philipino youths. Since then, I've adapted to calling the older guys kuya, and saying 'ay nako' as a replacement for the typical Vietnamese 'aiyah!' (how fob, haha.... I miss them). Cute, isn't it?

I suppose so, but sometimes I think it gets kinda creepy. Still, I don't know why I do it... maybe it's because I want to be just like them, yet I don't want them to know... OR maybe I just like what they do sometimes, and I adapt it into my own behaviour so I could be constantly reminded of them (this is slowly getting creepier by the second). See what I mean? It's kinda making me feel like I'm an obsessed, needy little girl who can't let go of her ultimate inspirations and seriously needs to learn how to be unique. But yeah, I'm sorry if I seem to be mimicking you, but after reading this, you'd probably feel a bit better, knowing that you're probably one of my role models...

NOT! (Haha, I made the not joke) Jokes, haha, but seriously. o_o.

Anyway, on a more serious level. I've also come to realise (this is first hand experience)that my role models are the ones that I compare myself with the most. It sometimes inspires me, but at other times it simply makes me hate myself. It's a continuous challenge of 'how can I be better' or 'I should be like that, so why aren't I'. It's especially hard with role models that aren't even that much older than you; they could even possibly be younger.

This is coming to be quite confusing to me, because role models are examples who have done their best, to encourage others who are like minded in interests, hobbies and talents to strive for that standard or even better.

Okay, maybe this doesn't have a point after all. All that ranting was done for nothing. I hope you got something out of it, reader!

LOL, Sarah.

PS, If I'm staring at you, I'm most likely simply intrigued by you.

1 comment:

ghost said...

They look like they're waiting for the rain!
And... I got easily distracted.

Love, Bonez