Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Analyse it.

"Charlie, you know I love you." "Alan, are you breaking up with me?." - Two and a Half Men. It's the best shiz ever yo.


"Oh! There's Bulla Road! But wait... we're meant to be in the city before we get to DFO... kay I'm going straight." My mum squinted at the large directional signs that were meant to aid in reaching our destination. That obviously failed, as we ended up swerving around villages that I never knew existed. Luckily, this time was better than the last, where mum had driven me to Melton and back. Great job, mum.

"This is wrong... where are we Sarah?" My mum was so confused when we'd ended up on some bridge on Bell Street. "Why don't you have any directional sense? Why can't you help me? I don't know where I am!"

"Not my fault, I don't know where I am either. And I don't know directions..." Mum was good at pinpointing my flaws and emphasising the need to improve them. She shot an apologetic glance my way, and patted my head. I turned away as a sign of resentment and distaste for her display of affection towards me, though secretly I was only hiding my laughter. I couldn't help but laugh when we went the wrong way.

Nevermind, we ended up at DFO. I sighed, and greased my mother off for a short second, before opening the door and getting out, making sure that I'd gotten completely out of the car before closing the door. Here's the catch. I didn't hear the door close, when I pushed it behind me. It was a strange thing, and I'd noticed that usually when you close a door, there's some sort of slamming noise that follows, even if it's a little delayed (which in my case, it was). As I contemplated why the door did not make any effort to create noise when I'd closed it, I turned around, thinking that maybe it was closed anyway.

Great work, Sarah, your height managed to get you a nice bump on your eyebrow due impact of the corner of the car door when you turned right into it.


Alternative explanation.


I got out of the car and closed the door, thinking that it was strange that the door didn't create a slamming noise when I did so. Fair enough that the corner of the open door precisely stabbed into my eyebrow just as I'd turned around to walk towards DFO.


GG'ed much? Haha.

I'm sorry for the really bland blogs lately. I need to read more. Maybe that would help me keep my professionalist writing nature up. Any ideas?

LOL, Sarah.

1 comment:

ghost said...

Yeah, I don't get to talk to Jackie as much as I'd like to, though, she seems cool. :)

Ahahaha damn! Is your eyebrow ok?
If navigation were a subject, I'd get an automatic fail. ROFL

And your blogs are awesome! Regardless of topic, etc.

I hope you don't mind me following you! Ahaha I mean, blog-follow :)