Monday, October 20, 2008

Thinking Grace.

The previous blog made me sound like the most closed-minded, arrogant, prideful, selfish person ever. Interesting ay? I'm a hypocrite, I know, but even that is something we all need to work on.


God's presence seems no different than his absence... But he knows where we're going.

If we never went through frustrations and failure, would we be exposed and desire his amazing grace?


She hugged her knees closer to her chest and craned her neck over her arms. She closed her eyes tightly, exhaled, and smiled. It was cold; still. She breathed slowly and steadily, calming herself as she focused. Her position did not help her body thaw as she sat, frozen in the midnight hour. But she was warm, comforted by the thoughts that ran through her mind. She rejected all her senses, all emotion; everything around her spoke loneliness, fear, insecurity; an attempt to consume her completely. If nothing else would help, she declared to herself, it is by this that I will be at peace, knowing that You are always there, and you are not fazed by where I am. Her eyes squeezed shut tighter; she pressed herself closer, and spoke grace.

LOL, Sarah.

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