Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Delicate Mishaps.

Presentation Night.

The annual evening dedicated to soully recognizing our teachers and students' academic excellence across the school, talented musical performances, reminisce of the year, and the evening which the year 12's have their last official recognition as they walked the stage down the aisles. This evening was majorly overrated.

But not for me this year. I was to be on stage four times for this Presentation Night for various things, all of which I was required to stay still until it was necessary to move. And that simple instruction was way too hard for me to keep. Up on stage, I could not stop fidgeting. Here's kind of what I did during the night:

Guitar Ensemble: Knights of Cydonia - Muse.
I walked on stage towards where I sat. I struggled to get my lead in, so I had to walk around my seat, then through the gap between the seat next to me as well as mine. Oh, by the way, I was right in front. On the right corner. Of which our rows were facing the left from the right corner of the stage (That means I was in front, and like, at the edge of the stage... LOL).

And I swear, I stuffed up the verse so badly, I could shoot myself in the head because of it. But hey, it's not worth me dying over. I'm over it, haha.

Academic Award.
Yeah, I started cramping a few minutes before I went up. Why? I don't know. So I went up, and I swear I had to think so hard to do this: Sarah, you gotta go up when they call your name, but AFTER Rebecca shakes Ece's hand. And guess what, I was successful! YA TA! But Rebecca kept whispering for me to stand completely still and shut up. It wasn't fun, standing up there for 1 minute. I can't stay still. :(

Choir: Sing Joy + College Hymn.
LOL, this part was so funny. I could not stop fidgeting, and Caitlin could not stop telling me to stop moving, and she kept telling me to be quiet and be compltely still. I made her so mad. But it was fun. I needed to tie my shoelace though, and I decided that it wouldn't be the best idea that I duck down like people usually do to tie their shoelace; instead I lifted my leg up, and I began tying my shoelace, head down, back bent. Caitlin harshly whispered to me so many times to stand up straight warning me that people could see, despite the dim lights. I replied with a, "I'm almost done!". She also glared at me when I reached behind her back to prod Kathy a bit. That was all funny.

Oh and in the College Hymn, there was this really big and loud and low drum, that sent me in a wave of giggles while singing. Caitlin rolled her eyes at me, chuckling along as we sung. We were happy people. :)

Choir: The Blessing Song.
I tripped down the stairs as we walked down towards the stage from the upper balcony. LUCKILY, it was only 3 steps, and the lights were dimmed, but I scratched myself. And I was sure people saw here and there. I harmonized the song :). Why? Coz that's how I roll. Oh yeah. Anyway, At the end of the song, someone like, laughed really really loudly, and sent scattered laughing from all over the building. Yeah... random.

I forgot to mention that there were approximately 1200 students present during the night, as well as parents. So yeah. But it was a good night. I had a lot of fun.

By the way, I actually deleted "Handwritten", for two reasons. 1, because it's mean to him, and 2, my mum said so :D.

Word of the day: Elongate. Bahaha.

And my scar is just a scar now, and it's gone slightly smaller. It's still very seeable though. I look tank with it. Whoo!

Anyway, time to sleep, I'm wrecked from doing no school work at all!

LOL, Sarah.

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