Friday, October 24, 2008


You sent your friends into laughing fits the minute you said the ultimate punch line that you had made up the night before. A well-deserved pat on the back was given to you, as well as a loud "OH SNAP!" from nearby listeners.

A chuckling friend from a slight distance away comes towards you, and you shoot a glance his way.

"Dude, that was pretty epic!" He complimented sincerely, not taking notice of your sudden frustration that quickly overwhelmed you, rejecting the joy you experienced only a second ago.

A shaking fizzy bottle within you was going to explode. You could not stand it when others used your words, and this one person, who happened to use it the moment you had just gotten over it, knocked your focus completely. Enraged, you respond, "Nah, more like an epic fail." And you walk off.

Don't for a second that you are suddenly better than him; that you are more original, and that he is conformist just because he decided to mimic you. What is a friend that lacks understanding, and knows only judgement?

LOL, Sarah.

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