Friday, October 17, 2008


Hi people. I am officially not in an exceptionally good mood, but I can pull through. How? Through ventilation through a blog! YAY. I'm using through too much, and it's getting confusing. Baha. Anyway yeah jaggedy and awkward phrasing for when I'm in a strange mood like this, so bear with me please. :) You guys are cool too. This blog is specific to ranting.

"I'm a sensitive person, I get hurt easily. I am very emotional, but that's all in my nature, I can't help it". Now I would simply like to comment that, no, it's not actually in your nature; rather, it's your way of getting attention.

Quoting from STEP UP 2 (I still love that movie) "It's not about what you got, but what you make of what you got" - (I don't remember the character's name... lol...).

What I take out of this is that there will always be times that people will insult you, backstab you, gossip, get angry with you, be upset by you, etc. This will never change. Ever. You will always have haters. Muahaha. Anyway, instead, it's your reactions that are the consequences of actions taken against you.

Yeah, this blog could have been a lot worse, but I'm having trouble thinking of what to say. Just wanted to say that you choose how you take things. You choose how you respond, and you choose your consequences. I don't understand how people complain and be upset all the time and saying they get hurt easily. No one is weak. Most people don't realise that. Some do, yet still act weak so that they could feel the support of their companions and friends. Even fewer take it upon themselves to be strong, because they know they are.

I don't even think half of this made sense. Oh well.

I had something else bugging me, but I don't know how to write it out. Something about ex-best friends being boys. Meh, it's easier to talk it all out nowadays (I've talked 10 times more than recent times).

I need a happier blog.

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