Thursday, June 4, 2009

Powerful Being (English).

Would you ever duet with me?

This is in preparation for an expository piece for my English exam.
Normal readers, you don't have to read this. It's lengthy.


Today displayed some of the most malevolent acts taht heavily disgraced the true essence of leadership. The entire Senior School was completely ran amuck, where distressed teacher frantically rushed about, seeking safety against the outbreak of hormonally charged adolescents who unanimously implemented a change and beginning of a new era: the rule of the teens.

As I entered the brass gates of the school yard, I experienced and eerie and fairly unsettling quietness that seemed to encompass the entire school. The wind blew softly from behind me, and as it softly urged me forward, it also sent shivers down my spine, and made the hairs of my neck stand on edge. The aura that the school seemed to disclose was vastly stranger than usual; the lively chattering and playful joy that normal defined a school morning was nowhere to be seen or heard, and instead it was replaced with insecurity and an overwhelming sense of oppression. I cautiously made my way towards the main door that led to the atrium, and as I did, I began to hear a crowd of distant voices screaming in outrage and argument. I craned my neck forward, straining to clarify the words of a throaty male whose voice dominated the clamour of which it came from. I could just make out bits of what he said as his voice cut in and out from overall noise. "No matter waht... the students... I would kill... you have to stay out of my way... this is... for the best".

My eyes widened in shock, and as if on impulse, I darted towards the door and thrust them open, not noticing the almost smashed window on the side as a result of my reckless behaviour, for I now stood in the centre of a completely overthrown school. I was frozen in shock, my mouth agape, as I gazed at the scene which now surrounded me. Students emerged from every direction, turning over tables and kicking around chairs in rage, and screaming in utter triumph, whilst teachers were pinned to the confines of the school cafeteria, guarded by the tallest and the strongest of students inhabiting Senior School. In the midst of this scene, in the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a single student, who happened to be my best friend, climbing up a series of tables which were mounted above each other. Once she positioned herself comfortably on top of the small mountain of tables, she held up a megaphone, and began to speak, answering the questions that seemed to invade my mind as it attempted to soak in the environment.

"Dear fellow students. I have a proposal to make. Dear beloved teachers, I have a new rule for you to observe. As you can see, the students have finally taken up their responsibilities in standing up for their rights and justice. And how can you teachers ever not be proud? We are working as a team, using our treasured talents and skills, and binding them together to create and maintain a new, blossoming community. This new community will now be run by the authority that us- the students- have proudly earned, and we implore you to work together with us into making this school the best it can be. It is in my best interest that this school is always at its best, and now that the future of this school is in safe hands, you need not worry. However, if it is not in your interests that this school be maintained by the very best of our new leaders-that is, our students-you will suffer the consequences. We appreciate all your talents and skills, and each student, who will now be a leader, will be assigned to a specific area according to your achievements. We appreciate you teachers for your help and kind coordination thus far, and I will leave you in this beginning of a new era with our new motto: "Yes, we-students-can rule this school!"

A triumphant shout protruded from the patriotic mouths of every student in the building, and fists all simultaneously punched the air above, chanting the new motto that my best friend introduced in her poignant speech.I stared at her in disbelief, and I strained to catch her eyes as she was helped down from the mountain by my usual ring of friends. Only once did she turn my way to meet my dazed gaze, and she smiled cheerfully with that same smile that would warm my heart, before being whisked away by her escorts to the staff meeting room where the was safest from the ruckus of the raging students.

The rest of the day progress in a blur, with so many changes and desired implementations taking place zooming past me as I waded through the school in utter bewilderment. Plans of the new rule were plastered all over the walls, and graffiti such as "TEACHERS SUCK" and "STUDENTS RULE" replaced the house, sport and music noticeboards. Students whizzed past me, occasionally throwing at me the divine and apparently foolproof plans created by my best friend. On a single crumpled piece of paper that was thrown at me were the names of every student in school and the details of their new roles. I quickly scanned for my name, and I found myself employed to the position of "Vice President and leader of student justice". As I pondered my new found authority, my heart impulsively warmed and a smile crept upon my weary face purely for the fact that as a best friend, she would still acknowledge my presence and our social proximity, but I quickly erased that thought as I focused once again on the deteriorating norms of a Senior school being overthrown by students solely controlled by their desperate desire to control.

Millions of calculations were processed through my inept mind, and I came to the distressing conclusion that seemed to be the only valid way to stop this mess. My heart sank as I thought of the possible consequences my friend would have to suffer, and these thoughts fought malevolently against my innate norms of justice.

As I dialed the number, my heart wrenched in pain, and I felt myself once again going into another stress-panic attack. However, I refused to faulter, and I reported the disturbing case of my school to the police.

I was in a dazed mess. I walked back through the hallways. As I walked back through the hallways, the faces of those I loved flashed past me; their eyes glowing with such mysterious joy juxtaposed against their sinister smiles. I felt like I was walking through a dream, and my head drooped down, my heart sinking even deeper into my stomach, inviting a sickening feeling at the bottom of my throat. I imagined the glow of my best friend's face again as she spoke so proudly, and the familiar smile of a righteous girl haunted the confines of my mind.

I waded my way through the crowds, and as l I left the school gates, I left my best friend with a single text, "I'm sorry".

Now I sit at home, and the news reports rage over the capture of my school. I only hope that she would understand; that one who abuses their power brings destrucion and only justice will stand.


LOL, Sarah.

1 comment:

ghost said...

I thought this was real! And it's really good