Sunday, June 7, 2009


No, I don't like you, and whatever 'if' there was, is impossible, even in a parallel world.

A million times a day, I would say a a million things that could find its place expressed in inept words. That is, if I'd written it down, a whole lot more would be done. So yeah, I'm sorry about the bland blogs.

I find it funny that my older brother likes a Miley Cyrus song, and he forced me to come with him so that he could buy it. Even after countless times where I told him he needn't be ashamed.

"I'm not embarrassed!"
*I find the disc and hand it to him*


I had a dream and it was one of those sensual dreams again. I only remember a certain part of it.. where this guy, and I'll name him 'you', had your arms around me, and you were cradling me. Your body sculpted perfectly against my back, and your stoic physique comfortably supported me as I leaned towards you, eyes closed as the mild breezes flicked my hair back, and softly nudged me deeper into your soft yet firm hold. Shivers pricked my skin slightly, though the warmth which resonated from your body quickly eradicated any signs of coldness. Another gush of wind softly ruffled the hair against the back of neck. It was strange, warm, and only lasted about a second; it wasn't the wind, it was you, and in an instant I threw my head back to lean on your shoulder. I sighed, and chuckled as your dark, curly hair bounced above my nose, your eyelashes so neatly curved as I examined your eyes. You were at peace, and I clutched your fingers which were wrapped around my hand, meeting in my palm.

I honestly don't know what I was doing... the first words I ever heard you speak; my dream depicted your voice perfectly, aside from it being even more angelic as it rang through my ears...

"Kiss me"....

I instantaneously moved out your arms in complete shock, turning towards you and glaring at you in the eye for some profound meaning as to why you would even think of saying that; but I couldn't stop myself from being drawn closer to you. I could only control my proximity once I was only inches from you once again, and I scrunched my eyes at you, appraising your composed face, trying to find meaning or depth behind your words.

I need to stop having intimate dreams with people I don't know.

LOL, Sarah.

Hi J.

1 comment:

trandrew said...

nice piece ;), kissy kissy keke. haha btw that title is a good song ;). i enjoy it. speaking of intimate dreams with people you "dont know", i had a random dream where i was walking down the street with some random chick that i had never met before and was ridiculous as it sounds she was so familiar the type of familiarity like she was a close frend or my gf. Anyways i dunno, been in her company felt really comfortable and i was completely happy for once. too bad it only happens in dreams huh sarah? I think my confusing dreams are keeping me sane. talk soon lil rocker chic. XX.