Thursday, February 19, 2009

You're A Star.

If only you could tell me something that I could change; just one thing, and I would do it for you. I didn't think I'd become desperate, so desperate to change things. For so long, we let the water erode us, ever so slowly, as the months went on. We began to lack words, but we still maintained humour and laughter. Who said laughter wasn't the best medicine? It was the cure for what little that we could retain. Or well, at least from what I could retain. I'm am trying so hard, and you should know.

Maybe, I should let you pull the weight too, but I'm scared you'll hate me for not lightening the load.

But then, my fear is a burden in itself.

I'm unsure of what you ever saw in me, but I'm certain as to what I still find in you; my vision for you has not faded, not even by a minuscule dot.

I must say, I'm scared of losing you. But then, haha. Who wouldn't be?


If you read my first 2-3 months of blogs, and compare them to this year's blogs, you'll see a vast change. A distinguishment that involves the lack of readily able to use words to express one's within.

I'm beginning to read, is that a start? Oh, yes indeed.

LOL, Sarah.

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