Monday, February 16, 2009

A Dying Geisha.

It was cold, and it was dark. There was no place damper that I'd felt here, in this enclosed space. There was but a shred of light that flickered across the room from the narrow slit in the cool stone walls, my only source of light. A gush of wind sent chills down my spine and caused the hairs on my neck to stand on end as it engulfed the room with its mass of cold. My body shuddered, almost shutting down as I tried to lift myself from the shallow pool that I was drenched in.

I shivered as I placed my tired, aching body beside the pool, splayed awkwardly across the painfully rocky floor. I could not move another inch; I my head lolled sideways and forward just enough that I could stare into what I found was a murky, stained puddle. Sparks of light danced across the surface of the liquid, temporarily revealing its contents.

I squinted carefully into the shimmering puddle, trying to make out what seemed to be staring back at me; my reflection, almost. A car drove past, and a pool of light and warmth flooded my captive place. Suddenly, eyes so brightly yellow stared at me so contemptuously, as if set for the kill. They tried to hide behind the shadows of her forehead, and dark rims under her eyes which pleaded sleep. They were carefully framed with tangled hair drenched in a murky red liquid dripping from its ends. Her skin so ghostly white was bony and hollow; they seemed drained of any blood, any life. Her face was carefully composed, but her full, blood red lips parted slightly, and her tongue swiftly lined the edge of her teeth before disappearing into her vivid lips again, which remained parted. Vibrant red liquid slowly dripped out of her mouth, lining her chin with glowing red streaks. A single drop fell from her chin and towards me, and with a sudden splash and a disruption in the pool, she was gone.

I screamed.


I woke up with a start. I shivered, but I was sweating. My breath was short and laboured, and I could not contain it as I held my mouth. My head throbbed viciously, and my heart felt out of place. I pushed against my chest, and I felt my heart beat one thousand times faster than it should have. It was going to explode, and I wearily gripped the bar on the end of my bed for stability and comfort. My eyes were wet with tears, and fear enveloped my whole body. I kicked my blanket off, and I just lay there, staring at the ceiling, heart throbbing and body sweating, waiting for the pain to hopefully be over.


I'm scared when my heart beats 1000 times faster than normal when I hyperventilate. What a weird feeling. It's happened more often than not these past few days, and I guess you could say there was something wrong with me.

And if some of this really happened, who knows what went on in my head that would have caused it to be.

Dear, keep me in your prayers. I feel like I'm dying without You.

LOL, Sarah.

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