Monday, February 9, 2009

Two People Made One Paragraph.

I never really had to be choosy about anything. What was bliss was not being ignorant, but instead acknowledging what I have, and reaping its benefits. What was just so joyful was expressing who I was, through every action followed through by every thought, without caring what others thought of me. Whatever I did was not of matter to them.

But it is as simple as this, by one I am torn, by another I am outright stupid.

I'm finding it harder and harder to conceal myself, compose my face, to hide myself from you. The mess that I was, that I am still; I find it so scary to even reveal a fraction of it.

I would hide myself forever, just so that you didn't have to see me.

And you, I find myself losing control of my words, and I'm sorry. My actions have been poor choices, and now you have to suffer.

LOL, Sarah.

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