Monday, November 16, 2009

Suckling On Wires.

What would happen if you woke up one day to suddenly realise that there were no longer any means of communication with me?

Because I'm no longer a cyber being.

How devastating it is to know that our relationships are now built on purely electronic words: lol, k, hru... just to name a few. We've degraded our language, and lowered our standards. Heck, my school's passing level is 35%, that's so lame. Haha.

But in saying all this, I relate myself to the grasp that today's society has on our daily functioning. Lacking MSN, especially in school days will only cause people to become socially outcast, not knowing the instant gossip that are spoon fed to us in every way possible to do with online communication.

And how we are so withdrawn from talking in person. See, here I am. I am a traditionalist; ie. I don't find online communications as a significant and necessary means for the survival of a friendship. Hence I don't rely on being on MSN nor Facebook to keep up to date with e.g my best friend, of whom I rarely speak to on MSN anyway. The biggest problem I have with these means of building up relationships is that it's so multi-faceted. People can so easily lie, pretend they're on top of the world when they're secretly drowning in despair. I know someone who talks to me on MSN like nothing's wrong, and yet can't bring a smile to their face whenever I pass them by. It's almost as if online communication is the new mask. Maybe we can finally read human expressionism through their behaviour. How I wish this to be true.

I guess that's my petty explanation of why it's so hard to maintain a good relationship with me. I almost despise MSN. I'm only online just in case; talking to only 2-3 people on a consistent level. I enjoy real communication, face-to-face... Not even talking on the phone cuts it. But it's become inevitable: social acceptability seems to have online communication as its top obligation and an absolute necessity as a social norm.

But has anyone else been feeling the torment of such a lack of a deeper relationship?

I guess not.

LOL, Sarah


Amy said...

no, i'm with you there sarah. though, I have had some really meaningful conversations over MSN and other means of virtual communications, nothing beats face-to-face interaction.

you can read the other person's expressions and see their instant reactions to things you say and do. For that reason, I don't really like phone calls except if its to work out when we can meet up in reality :)

though on the upside, blogging makes it possible to rant without anyone to argue with you at that instant :) feel free to vent as much as you want ^^

Nickyyyy said...

Mm, same here, I love face to face communication more than anything, but for me, I find it hard to pull someone away from their friends to talk to them you know? though msn is good for when your mummy doesn't let you talk on the phone ><

sometimes people (me) communicate better in words :)

though I agree with you 100% too.