I woke up unsettled this morning, and more tired than the night before. This feeling continued throughout majority of the morning; like a sickening, never 100% feeling that abstained from my body ever releasing energy into my muscles. My eyes welled up multiple times whenever I thought about anything; church, school, home. It was almost as if a negative presence was weighing me down, oppressing and squeezing out the emotions that I so neatly packed into a tiny box in the corner of my heart.
I almost choked at every conversation had, and I struggled to keep a clean composure; how I feared being weak and helpless in front of everyone. Possibly I feared their tension, their misunderstanding, their lack of care; although I know they support, they give concern and they love. Or perhaps I was so paranoid about being so insecure, so needy, and so vulnerable. They just didn't need my burdens.
Sometimes, I just need assurance...
Because it was all just stress before the exam. I don't need these downgrading thoughts that push me to the brink of sanity, where beyond this cliff lies the pits of paranoia. I just can't handle it all.
So yeah, a temporary goodbye unless I need a getaway from the study. I'm so scared for my Jesus exam! Jesus is with me! :D?
LOL, Sarah.
Yes, Jesus is always with you :)
His grace is sufficient for you. (2Corinthians 12:9)
His plans are to prosper you and not to harm you. (Jeremiah 29:11)
He has got amazing things in store for you. (1 Corinthians 2:9)
He will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)
You can do ALL things through Him. (Philippines 4:13)
How do I know these things? Coz He can't lie. (I have a reference for this too but can't think of it at 3am!)
just because... *gasps for air...* because I'm capped...doesn't mean I wont read and comment your blogs...
after a week the page finally loads and boy was it worth it.. though I knew the picture was going to have something to do with a John Mayor so I skipped ahead ^^
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