Sunday, October 25, 2009

Maladroit Gesticulation.

I want to fast forward to the future. Forget all the plans that we have now, and get to the ceremonial ends. Who says the journey is all that matters? I don't want it, not anymore...

It's an awkward feeling.

The sun shimmering off my pale skin, warming me to the core. I could relax in the wonder of its warmth as it hangs in the sky, reaching its rays around me like a warm hug. With the same hands, it rolls back the curtain of clouds, leaving a spotless blue sky with just the atmosphere to magnify the sun's allure.

But the sheer winds disconcert me and discomfort me, cutting with its cold, invisible touch and sending shivers throughout my body. I'm inexplicably confused by this juxtaposition of the sun, how it gently draws me near and lures me into the indulgence of its rays, whilst the harsh billowing of the winds, which cut at my skin so insincerely and so relentlessly, alter my body's longing to relax. It almost sways me towards rejecting the warmth of the sun, despite the security I found in its embrace.

I wonder weather... I should stay outside and embrace these trying times, where the environment that surrounds me is as natural as a sinful earth can be, otherwise return to a safe-haven where I am caught by the man-made, the unnaturally warm, and the eternally deficit.

... Like my electric blanket.

Whenever I look at you, I can't help but to not be able to recognise who you are anymore. I'm unsure, but I can't seem to hear your voice as one whose is familiar, nor can I understand any of your actions. It's as if I don't know you anymore, and I simply don't know why.

I feel like a water balloon, filled time and time again with water, so much so that I cannot bear to withhold anymore. I am on the verge of breaking, but I have been suppressed at just the right time so that I can be tied. However, I am so afraid of breaking; so scared that one motion of just a tiny bit of too much force, explosions like water balloons would drench the dim concrete.

I don't want to push this, but I will savour this moment of such a profound satisfaction. After all, I've been stretched, and I'm pushing at my limits, but am I not so full?


I feel somewhat exhilarated; unnaturally, a sudden euphoria envelops me at this moment, and it is most certainly unshakable. An abrupt overflow of peace settles me, despite...

Yes. Blame my mood swings again, but it cannot stop this peace... at least not for now. Thank God that He answers prayers.

I'm so sorry for the extremely emotive blogs; inconsiderate of me to even think that anyone would be interested in the intensely personal aspects of my life. Sorry, and I hope you'll still read... to you few readers out there!

Each image I post up not only heavily corresponds to my post, but also, each has a link to its original whereabouts. I have been using many photos from deviantArt lately, so support the artists, and check out their works! :)

LOL, Sarah.
This post is proudly dedicated to anh Jon Tran. Ain't he "wheaty"?


Amy said...

such big words sarah! lol

each image is amazing... I will become a frequent visitor deviantArt methinks :)

Nickyyyy said...

you said juxtaposition hehe

I like these blogs more :)

(can you believe that "blogs" isn't in this online dictionary thingo!)

((neither is "thingo!"))