Friday, October 9, 2009


Friday morning - woke up at 5:30AM to go to the city. Pretty tiring. What's really awesome about my family is that the one time that I actually try to go to sleep early (2200 hrs is really early man!), what am I to find but my mother and my older brother sitting on MY bed, talking... and as soon as I'd entered, gestured me to go.

So what did I do? Well, I just sat on the couch in the living room - no, I was lying down, playing guitar and singing to myself. In hopes to calm me down, that is. I just don't understand from any rational that my older brother and my mum would use MY room instead of the living room.. talk about thinking about the family geez :p

Funny thing though, just before that, I was pondering the events of tomorrow, and I'd realised that I'd left my blazer in my locker that day. I needed it to look professional when I was going to a Melbourne Prayer Breakfast invited EXCLUSIVELY by the principal through Father David. Smart, huh? Thankfully, my older brother arrived home at that point, and I, in a frenzied panic, asked him to drive me to a friend's to borrow his blazer.

There's distinct differences between men's blazers and women's blazer. 1) the buttons are on the right side, 2) his one only had 2 buttons S: and 3) [although I don't think this one counts for as much] IT WAS RIDICULOUSLY BIG! I felt like I was playing dress up back when I was four. Of course, this is just an expression, because I don't actually remember playing dress up.. at all. Oh well, it's just one of those things I was always deprived of when I was younger (:

Anyway, hopped into the car, and saw stream of yellow burst from the horizon. I got so excited at this, thinking 'I'm going to see the sun rise!' And I was all whoopeekayay... But I didn't end up seeing it, because the stupid city skyscrapers got in the way, and we neared our destination.

We ended up being early, God given there was no traffic, and so we sat in the car for about five minutes. Me, thinking it wouldn't be too far to look for, decided to stay in the car longer, but my brother drove me out, and so we went off to our designated area.

It took us so long to get there. We just kept walking, and walking, and walking! 5 minutes is a LONG walk when you don't know where you're going and it's 6:40 in the morning -.-

So we met up with our other brekky buddies, and eventually everyone turned up and we were seated. The place was especially posh - I overheard that they had the Brownlow's here once or a few times? And also, Kevin Rudd was also invited to the breakfast as well... I felt so humbled and so out of place with my oversized blazer and my dorky uniform... but I guess we all got over it after we took our blazers off.

The principal didn't even show up... so there we were hoping that he'd paid for our breakfasts already! They served so much! Just munchies at the start - muffins, pastries, and fruit. Then came the real deal. Egg benedict: poached eggs on english muffins and bacon and topped with hollandaise (two slices of the english muffin), two sausages, two hash browns, and a pack of mushrooms. This was outrageous, and I could only eat half (I ate one of each, you know, for variety ^^) And I was tempted to ask for a take-away box, but I didn't want to seem more cheap than I looked already haha.

In the midst of our breakfast, I swear, they would not stop praying! I guess they appropriately named it the Melbourne Prayer Breakfast, huh? Four people just lined up, and one after another, read out pre-written prayers with but 10 seconds break - a friend was funny, as soon as one prayer finished, he cut up a bit of sausage as quickly as he could muster, and shoved it in his mouth just as the next prayer started. Another time, I hadn't realised that people had stopped eating, and were actually praying (again.. haha) as I was putting a mushroom in my mouth... I slowly stopped chewing, but I didn't want to make a noise by putting down my cutlery, so I was awkwardly holding my knife and fork for the remainder of the prayer (awkward much?)

All in all though, it was pretty amazing. Ben Price - comedian/impersonater was a pretty grand MC, very interesting, and the morning ran smoothly. They had technical difficulties! Haha!

And last but not least, I really have to mention Ken Duncan. He's an awesome photographer... and so humble too. His testimony was great, and he was so friendly as well. Got his autograph and his book 'Where Jesus Walked'. It's pretty amazing.

This is probably the quickest I've written a lengthy blog. Only 30 mins!


And yeah, I am writing this on a Saturday night, and you would have never known.

LOL, Sarah
It's pretty obvious that I may or may not be delirious whilst writing this - so messy and informal! Gah!


Amy said...

wow what a privilege sarah.. invited EXCLUSIVELY! lol my dad was there and also told me about Ken Duncan's story... God is so good :)

(wordpress isn't cooperating again...)

Nickyyyy said...

mushrooms? :o!!!??

And yes I understand those times where everybody stops eating...and your still munching away telling your friend next to you 'The eggs could have done with a bit more cooking"... *suddenly realizes everybody is looking at you* -shudder-