Thursday, June 25, 2009

Let Your Heart Decide.

And here I find myself frozen at the very sight of your name.

Coming out of deep inspiration from some blogger I should know.

Future. Future is what makes our world go round. We strive for goals in the near future, and we tackle tough situations to create a greater future for ourselves. We make ground-breaking choices that can potentially flip and alter our futures completely. It's all about future, and it's what's in it that makes us continue to have a want to live, rather than simply exist.

What, Sarah, what is it now? What's driven you to the brink of insanity by suddenly throwing in a word that so naturally rolls off the edges of our tongues, and clearly wearing it out by your outrageous use of it in a single paragraph?

Well, dear mind (I bet you, reader, thought I was putting words in your mouth... or something like that), to be brutally honest, I'm not completely sure. The future and in all its mystery has had a sudden grasp on me, it has this falcon-grip which I cannot escape. Call it an obsession, as you may, but may I note you to listen carefully, for I need you to hear the distant call of your old friend- that is, my dear heart longs to be with you again. You guys worked together once, did you not? And well, things may have not turned out quite right, for the heart overpowered how you spoke, and how you wished to behave, and thus the void between you has created some distance. But hush! Quieten your logic for but a moment, for I am certain to be hearing the heart screaming out "I want to live!".

Did you hear that, mind? I can almost agree to your logic, but so far, you've been living as a machine... I believe the heart can finally be reasoned with, for it's found hope. Do you understand, mind? Hope, the belief that good is coming, is resonating so apprehensively from the heart. Hope... hope is a futuristic thing, is it not? It is the belief that something good WILL happen, though it has not yet happened! And right now, the heart pleads with you to not live as a mere machine, do not just exist, mind! For the heart who hopes has a life full of the greatest, which is yet to come, and only when I'm paralleled with you two, the two strongest forces of my entire being, can I break out of your prison, mind, and allow the heart to once again direct, but of course be controlled, into a future full of greatness, full of prosperity, and full of hope.

Dear mind, you of all things, should know that from the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. Is it not logical then, to let it speak with your cooperation?

Future. Future, only striven when we find it within ourselves a screaming desire to want to live. Hope. Hope, only when we realise that greater things have yet to come.

Water taps mirror my eyes, but I'm not even close to a water supply.

LOL, Sarah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so profound yet again :)