Monday, June 1, 2009


Hello, June, another month has gone past, and I'm no longer burdened by this obsession.

I scanned the vibrant green landscape, where the grass battled its way through the parched dirt and soil to stand and sway softly in the afternoon breeze. The playground was alive with kids tumbling and crawling around like termites invading an ant hole (lol, what kind of simile is that?!) I looked on and smiled as I watched the kid's faces light up with such excitement and delight at the toys that were 5 times bigger than them. I closed my eyes for a bit, and turned to the side.

You were sitting next to me, observing the very same thing. Your posture seemed slightly laid-back; your back only slightly curved to show a lazy motivation of maintaining a good posture, and your mouth was dropped open. I chuckled at your dazed sight; I was so tempted to fix your back and warn you about the severe back problems you could be facing later on in life. But that would have been awkward, so I kept my hands to myself. I continued to take in the breath-taking scenery; that is, until your voice distracted me.

"Hey, let's try something..." The wind almost stole your voice away from my ears, but I caught it in time as you shuffled away from me slightly. I turned my head towards you to see you leaning your head towards me, eventually laying it on my shoulder. I looked forward again, and eventually leaned into your head with my own, just for the sake of it. You measured your left hand with my right hand, then twisting and intertwining our fingers; your bony fingers wrapped around my hand. It was, for a split second romantic, but your toned skin felt uncomfortable against my pale white complexion. You surely did not know how to make holding hands comfortable, but I still went along with it anyway. After all, there was nothing to it. This was a joke to show everyone around that we were comfortable with each other, but we weren't looking for anything more.

Even though it completely sounds like we were.

It was after what seemed like forever, holding hands with you, and having such a ridiculously close proximity with you, that you'd realised that this was getting weird, and released your falcon grip on my hand, and lifted your head off my shoulder. Our "moment" was done, and gone.

I try my best to believe every word of this.

- Written in January, soon after New Year's.

LOL, Sarah.

1 comment:

trandrew said...

=D.cute. thatss all i have to sayyy. keep blogging my lil rocker chick.