Monday, April 20, 2009

My Love Goes Free.

Turning Your hearts back to you... again.
Again - Jon Foreman

It's ridiculously cold at the moment. My hands are numb and frozen as I try to type with stiff fingers, and I can't feel my toes, despite my desperate attempts at wriggling them. I'm sure they're moving, though.

Hello, and welcome again to the sane part of the blog that is owned by no one else but me, Sarah. Hello, hello.

Yesterday, I was completely skeptic about a piercing that I had done just over a week ago. At the time, I was able to brag about it not hurting me at all, and being able to stand the tiny ounce of pain inflicted in my ear whenever someone tried to hit me there. Suckers, y'all. I was so bold in saying that I was enduring practically no pain at all... that is, until yesterday came around. I woke up with a start, as I usually do. Everything was normal, but one thing: my ear was hurting. There was some sort of slight throbbing in the top of my ear as I got up. I calculated whether I had slept on it the night before, but realised that it was impossible; I was in the exact same position waking up as I was going to sleep. I was thrown into a slight panic, and dashed to the bathroom in search for the miraculous nature of my antiseptic spray. I carefully lifted my hair out of the way, and aimed the spray to where the stainless steel silver piece sat in my ear. I managed to miss a few times, dampening my whole ear with antiseptic, but I suppose that it was better than nothing. I swivelled the piercing a number of times, but I left it at that. My day continued on from there.

As the day progressed, I'd realised that my ear was getting worse. It began to have a burning sensation; a tingling feeling that I hadn't even got whilst I first had my ear done. I began to stress slightly, and sought out the comfort of my friends by asking them to check on my ear. They commented on its slight swelling, as well as its fair redness, which failed to calm me. I pranced around in nervousness, begging my mother to take me home as soon as possible, where I could spray another 10 times.

I got home, and I hastily checked my ear. The top half was indeed red, and the curve which sheltered my piercing seemed slightly out of scale to the rest of my ear. I prayed in panic, and sprayed it 10 times more than I probably needed to. I could not help but touch it so I could examine the exact location of the pain, but there was no hope for that; my friends urged me to resist touching the irritating pain. Some friends with prior experience of having a cartiledge piercing encouraged me with their own experiences; it was going to happen, and I should leave it. I decided to trust them this time over, so I sprayed it another five times, and I headed off to sleep.

This morning, I woke up, and it felt worse than ever. I was borderlining paranoia. I rushed again to my bathroom in search of my antiseptic, which I was losing faith in. The antiseptic cooled my burning ear for a moment, which sent me a wave of slight relief. However, the tingling resumed its place in the fresh hole, and I became desperate for affirmation that it would only be temporary. I texted over 4 friends about my situation, to which all replied with a simple "leave it, it will be ok". I didn't believe them, for I was sure it was getting infected. I convinced myself that this would be so, since I did not spray the night before last night, being the silly person I am. I deserved this for not looking after my ear properly. I prayed again, and I continued my way through the school day.

I got home, exhausted, but happy to know that my father was finally home from his trip to Vietnam. I suppose he was also exhausted and jetlagged for he was sleeping; I decided the same approach to relieve my exhaustion. I lay in my bed and fell into a troubled slumber.

I woke up again, and my ear was fine... that is, until my dad rubbed his hand against my ear in a cheerful effort to wake me up. I groaned, because a sharp pain shot through my ear, and I grumbled at my father to leave me for a while. I pulled myself out of bed, and, being too tired to rush, I dragged myself to my bathroom again to check on my ear. Surprisingly, it was fine, and there was no significant burning pain any longer. Just in case, I still sprayed it.

Now, there is no burning at all, and I am at peace with my ear. Thank God. Note to self: trust the people who've experienced it before.

In other news, I've had a positive start to school. I'm putting study as a fairly high priority, and I have already begun studying for a Methods SAC which I don't know when it is. I'm choosing the right things, and whilst they are painful and fairly heart-wrenching, I know it's all for the better. I'm getting back on track... God's turning me back to Him again.

I just wish I didn't have to hurt you so much, so often.

LOL, Sarah.

PS. It's been a long while since I've written something like this, huh?


ghost said...

Yeah! It's been ages since you've written something like this.
Ooh! Did you get your helix pierced? :D

Ahaha it's a small world isn't it? :)

Colin Reynolds said...

haha...I remember getting the top of my ear pierced back in the day! Good for you...Keep it clean cos it's more easily prone to infection at the top of your ear.