Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Time to update you on why I've been saying such profound messages at such irregular intervals between my blogs. I think I've said at least one per month... But yeah, it's one of those really off moments right after one of those blogs that you read and go 'oh dear, she's gone off again. PMS much? I shall stay away from her for now. Until she cheers up... or something'. Yeah, don't, keep talking to me. I'm an interesting person... I think :D. Anyway! About those quotes... lately they've sorta been leading towards one thing that I'm currently quite passionate about: Change. Change! What a strange topic for me... Because I usually don't like change. Heck, who does?

Haha, it's funny how I type, because it's as if my fingers are the thinkers, and not my brain itself. Although, my brain is the one that controls my fingers, and not myself; thus I am voluntarily thinking about what I'm typing. But it's just so on the spot and like yeah, like I commonly say LOL a lot and stuff and like yeah. That was a hardcore spasm of the typical teen talk. Sorry about that.

Change. This whole year for me was a huge transition; getting into Senior School, doing subjects I actually enjoy, and maybe studying for some of them. WELL. Just recently, I've been inspired so much to involve myself in so many things. Not really. I was contemplating a lot in what I was given the opportunity to do in school, for example: public speaking, debating, performances, leadership applications and roles, etc. And yeah. I didn't actually do anything this year, but man oh man, I've been getting so many ideas for some reason. I have a profound quote that I could use when I apply for house leader next year (note that I used WHEN, so count on me to apply for the position ;), and I've already got a topic for public speaking, which I think will be quite interesting, because it's relevant to everyone. Now, I'm not going to tell you either of these things, because it ruins the surprise. I've only shared my quote that I'd made myself to 2 people, and I'm slightly regretting that already. I've told one of my friends the topic on what I wanted to speak about for public speaking, but who knows? It could change. I'm not telling anyone else though. I just hope it turns out funny, interesting, and intriguing. But yeah.

I should have said that I applied for something, and YA TA I GOT IT!

A lot of people say I have potential. And yeah, I do. I think everyone does. It's what you do with that potential that determines your stance.

And all this is why I love school. I love the opportunities that are given to us, and the benefits of developing skills for the future, which will come sooner than expected.

And you're probably wondering why I'm being so skeptical about school. I mean, it's the most dreaded part of life, because you always have to do work, and be forced into situations where you're under pressure and stress. I think that's true, and that part kind of sucks. But we have to be put under pressure, we have to persevere if we want the best of us squeezed out of us (thanks for the olive analogy on Sunday, Colin :). Also, did you realise... that this year is almost ended? I've now only got a bit over 2 years of school life left. And right now, I regret so much that I'd wasted the previous years of my life. That's why I made the choice to seize every opportunity, grasping every benefit with both hands and running with it towards the goal. It's a sprint, because it's so short; it's still beneficial, and it's my one last chance to be a nerd, a scene, an attention seeker, a teenager. It's my one last chance to make the most of my childhood before the task of adulthood.

Ever since this choice has been made, I've found all these ideas and inspirations. Praise God, eh, that He is so good that way. When we make the choice to be open to opportunity, God opens the doors to opportunity. Amen sistuh!

Anyway, it's actually really late, and I should really be sleeping. But I will be typing up the rest of my speech now.

Until next time,

LOL, Sarah.

(Something important that you should know. I'm placing it down here because I don't know where else to fit it in. I'm currently undergoing a speech writing phase, as you can obviously tell by my lack of descriptive, intricate episodes of blogs that I tend to overreact in, and a steady increase in blogs which seem like I am talking at you or to you... whatever. I don't know the difference... soo. You'll find that I'm actually writing to you, the reader, instead of expressing my thoughts through a medium of creative writing. So sorry, if you don't like it. I'm sure I'll get out of it soon enough. Meanwhile, I'll keep ya posted!)

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