Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Flooded Detriment.

Everyday, the same thoughts regroup from my dormant, unconscious being and sweep through my idle mind. They mix themselves, challenging thoughts among struggling thoughts, conflicting against my desire to let peace's supremacy overrule. Like terrible waves smashing against a concrete wall, unable to get through, but if accumulated enough, a flood pours over, and my barrier is rendered as useless.

The heavy waters saturate the landscape, drowning the budding thoughts of peace scattered across my mind. I am drenched by thoughts so harsh and so weariful...

They rebuke me, trying to teach me, trying to deter me and influence me to their deceitful ways.

But I don't want to learn their lesson, because their lesson is hell.

- Expansion of a sentence written on the box of my Wicked mug a few weeks ago.
You know, I reckon watching movies at home are the most deviating experiences ever. Say, I watched Die Hard 4 the other day (love that movie), and I was warped right into it, even though I've seen it like 5 times hehe.

But anyway, it ended, and I decided to turn back to normal television. It's the weirdest thing to experience, because as soon as I switched to television and all these advertisements came up, I was suddenly overwhelmed with the experience of reality. It's just so.. overwhelming? Haha, it's just something I'll never get used to.

Love getting into the moment of movies (:

LOL, Sarah.
If times ever get awkward, don't forget to hold up your awkward balloon!

1 comment:

Nickyyyy said...

gleh your picture took for ever to load. talk about suspense *picture slowly...slowly loads...*