Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hazard Signs.

So it seems that I can't keep my promises in the blogging world...

Saying we makes me feel better, because maybe others feel the same way.

But everything is stuck. Stopped in its tracks. Like a car with its tire dipped in a deep pot hole filled with sticky mud, a log hinged between the wheels of a train, or a jet trying to achieve lift off, but its engine is choked by unfamiliar matter.

Stuck, and hazardously stuck, like a car accident which causes an inconvenience to those trying to go about their daily lives. That ambulances, fire brigades, and other authorities of service are needed because of our troublesome, messy selves. We're the inconvenient mess they have to clean up when we're scattered and so numb in shock at the situation we've caused, all because of our ignorance and selfish greed.

Yes, we're a wreck at times. We get help, and surely afterward, we're armoured with new equipment to prepare us for a similar situation. We have a newer, sturdier helmet, because those collisions almost gave us serious head-damages. We're ready again soon enough, with the foothold of others.

We just can't do it by ourselves.

I tire of this. I felt the biggest fake today, and I couldn't bring myself to tell the truth again. I am horrified.

But I have so many blessings... I of all people should not be one to complain. I am blessed.

LOL, Sarah.
I like finding pretty photos, it makes me happy.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Tremour Of Sentiment.

The long awaited. The highly anticipated. The new exhilaration following this heart-felt warming sensation.

Trying to slow the motions of time down.

Afraid to close my eyes, because my dreams will steal away what I could so willfully use.

Conscious of communications, in case I get carried off into a world that dismisses the thoughts of time.

Reluctant to move an inch, knowing that every contraction, every reflex, every tension, steals a moment that can never be taken back.

I could stare at the clock, watching as the repetitious arrows encircle its centre, inevitably winding closer to my deadline meet.

So scared to have an inkling of fun... because they say that time flies when you're having fun. Motionless, I would stare at the clock. It's fairly relaxing; I like relaxing... It's fun.

But there's an impossible loophole to my theory of slowing down time. The definite strokes of the clocks are undeniable; unstoppable. I'm in a losing battle...

Have you ever noticed?
How the soft rumbles of your heart can only be heard at a standstill; in an almost-silence occasion where we do nothing but halt our fidgeting bodies.

I can't help but think about the murmuring of our hearts; how they echo through the halls of our arteries; its steady beating bringing a soft momentum the subtlest of reverberations throughout our bodies. How, as we lie in darkness, listening to the sounds of the clock ticking ever so nonchalantly; the winds cooing as they return with the life of wings- creatures of the sky huddling within their nests, protecting their newborns - the cooling hum of the refrigerator in its dutiful maintenance of keep; the soft snores from neighbouring rooms, or from outside, where a single dog nestles in the comfort of his own house...

... That our fingers softly, unconsciously drum on the sheets, our toes twitch at the slightest just under the doona, and that each hair on our head rustles softly as it finds a new place to settle. As we are at a standstill, our heart beats at its loudest, still working strenuously and tirelessly to keep us alive, even as we sleep.

And once more, our hearts thud in our ears after an adrenaline rush. Amidst the journey, we can only focus on the destination at hand, but we fall across the finish line, exasperated, and all we can hear is the sound of our heart, still working, so earnestly and diligently to relax our aching bodies. Only once we've stopped ourselves can we hear the sacred sound of a heart so worn, so exhausted, and yet in our tribulation, our hearts beat at their loudest to let us know that we're still alive.

They haven't given up on us just yet.

LOL, Sarah.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Maladroit Gesticulation.

I want to fast forward to the future. Forget all the plans that we have now, and get to the ceremonial ends. Who says the journey is all that matters? I don't want it, not anymore...

It's an awkward feeling.

The sun shimmering off my pale skin, warming me to the core. I could relax in the wonder of its warmth as it hangs in the sky, reaching its rays around me like a warm hug. With the same hands, it rolls back the curtain of clouds, leaving a spotless blue sky with just the atmosphere to magnify the sun's allure.

But the sheer winds disconcert me and discomfort me, cutting with its cold, invisible touch and sending shivers throughout my body. I'm inexplicably confused by this juxtaposition of the sun, how it gently draws me near and lures me into the indulgence of its rays, whilst the harsh billowing of the winds, which cut at my skin so insincerely and so relentlessly, alter my body's longing to relax. It almost sways me towards rejecting the warmth of the sun, despite the security I found in its embrace.

I wonder weather... I should stay outside and embrace these trying times, where the environment that surrounds me is as natural as a sinful earth can be, otherwise return to a safe-haven where I am caught by the man-made, the unnaturally warm, and the eternally deficit.

... Like my electric blanket.

Whenever I look at you, I can't help but to not be able to recognise who you are anymore. I'm unsure, but I can't seem to hear your voice as one whose is familiar, nor can I understand any of your actions. It's as if I don't know you anymore, and I simply don't know why.

I feel like a water balloon, filled time and time again with water, so much so that I cannot bear to withhold anymore. I am on the verge of breaking, but I have been suppressed at just the right time so that I can be tied. However, I am so afraid of breaking; so scared that one motion of just a tiny bit of too much force, explosions like water balloons would drench the dim concrete.

I don't want to push this, but I will savour this moment of such a profound satisfaction. After all, I've been stretched, and I'm pushing at my limits, but am I not so full?


I feel somewhat exhilarated; unnaturally, a sudden euphoria envelops me at this moment, and it is most certainly unshakable. An abrupt overflow of peace settles me, despite...

Yes. Blame my mood swings again, but it cannot stop this peace... at least not for now. Thank God that He answers prayers.

I'm so sorry for the extremely emotive blogs; inconsiderate of me to even think that anyone would be interested in the intensely personal aspects of my life. Sorry, and I hope you'll still read... to you few readers out there!

Each image I post up not only heavily corresponds to my post, but also, each has a link to its original whereabouts. I have been using many photos from deviantArt lately, so support the artists, and check out their works! :)

LOL, Sarah.
This post is proudly dedicated to anh Jon Tran. Ain't he "wheaty"?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

White Liar.

It's been bothering me.

I keep thinking back to last week; that evening where we just sat in the car, listening to smooth tunes of John Mayer.

I thoroughly enjoyed the peace whilst I was with you; that is, until you challenged me with the simplest of questions, stuttering my speech and entirely overwhelming with the suppressed emotion I kept so quietly until now. I couldn't look at you, and I couldn't answer you straight away. I could not bring myself to lie to you, but I simply could not tell you the truth of the effects of the events of my past week. I instantaneously zoned out on the question in effort to shrug it off, but you persisted, your concern ringing through the air as you almost nervously asked for my assurance that I had been alright.

No matter how I tried, I could not bring myself up to giving you the truth. Disconcerted, I barely mumbled the words you just needed to hear. My speech became slurred, and shaken as I tried to tell you the lie as truthfully as I could for what it was worth. You accepted it, and flowed on towards better conversation as I looked out the window, with an egg of self loathing hatching once again within my heart.

I don't know why I lied, nor do I know why I can't face up to it.

It's just been bothering me.

The word "love" has become overused, overlooked, misinterpreted, misused, disregarded and underestimated.

It's funny how some of the closest people to us are so far away, and the ones that we consider closest and close are close with so many others, not giving us the time to be even closer , and yet the one's that aren't so close seem to be our only close friends. We wish we were closer, but the ones close we aren't so close with at all...

Gosh, I'm so desperate to keep up with my blog posts as to stoop as low as going back to the very basis of my beginnings of the world of blogging: MySpace.

Written 2 years ago.

LOL, Sarah.
Please, just flood me with pure water, not the polluted seas of oil and debris.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Amuck Ruckus.

You just know that there's something up when...

It's 11:33 in the evening- no, I'll correct myself- AT NIGHT, and you're hungry.

I'm so hungry! I spoke the very words to emphasise how hungry I was, and as I continue to write this, I still cannot deliberate that it was effective in any way whatsoever. :\ I'm a strange person. We'll deal with that soon enough though.

I've written a few more sentences on my little white box, and to answer Amy's 2 questions: It's something like a time capsule, except I have no intention of burying it; it can just sit on my table where it's easily accessible when I need to write something...
Which reminds me, I do remember my youth group making a time capsule and burying it in church in like 2005 or something lols... to this day, we can still not find it (: Gotta love youth.

And with the no Facebook thing.. if anyone's noticed, it hasn't gone very well, although I HAVE indeed limited my time on Facebook, which I find myself prideful of (eg. now, I'm not using Facebook at all!) Same goes for MSN. Not off completely, but only online occasionally. (:

I want to get something to eat, but I don't want to eat at midnight. Midnight carbs = winter fat body. Also, I already brushed my teeth.

Going to rant because I feel like it.

I seriously don't understand why people can mispell people's names... Wait for it... Wait for it...

ON FACEBOOK. Seriously guys! The person's name who you're addressing is just above to the left of your little comment boxes. It's something called common sense, by which even I can talk, despite my lack thereof.

Remember the 'word of the day'? Soo last year, huh? Well. Chagrin is today's word.

Today was Muck up day, and despite our lack of participation in the senior's activities (it was as if we were in prison. No one could go in to our classrooms, and no one could leave), especially the little action in the art room, I can still smell the remains of eggy fart bomb.
Oh, they egged the school like crazy.
They broke a window because of this 'lock-down', and vandalised every sign they could lay their paint on.
And police came.
Some dude decided it was smart to egg the security guard.

It was pretty good, only we were locked in like little fishes in a tank. We had no hope of leaving our classroom thanks to our PMS-like teacher. -.-

Although I'm disappointed with the costumes. Under-average much?

I refuse myself aping you any longer.

No matter how I use the word 'ape', it just doesn't sound smart. It's meant to mean imitate -.-

LOL, Sarah.
I'm still hungry.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Heaven was the Garden of Eden.

Heaven was the untouched forests; the tall trees that have not been choked by pollution.

Heaven was the everclear oceans; the waters left no room for critters to become extinct.

Heaven was the clouds aloft in the sky; unfogged by black and gold poison.

Heaven was the horizons; only majestic mountains dared to reach heaven.

Heaven was man and nature living in harmony; we have caused the cracks in the ground to become grand crevasses in the deepest of valleys.

Heaven is earth without sin.

LOL, Sarah.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Silver Rain Fell.

I am utterly scattered.

He just walked onwards, without even a single glance back. How she cried in agony as she was left on the sidewalk, battered, bruised, and torn.

I muttered incoherently, words that I didn't even understand myself. The rain pelted down, hard on my vitiated body, refreshing the pain of my bruises... but these abrasions did not even grasp my notice.

He had ripped out her only heart, along with all sense of logic and reasoning. She lost herself when she lost him.

I felt my heart cave in- no, the remnance of the walls that I'd put up to protect it- began to cave in to the void where my heart once was. Suddenly I could no longer hear the plummeting of rain that had once ago pierced my ears so heavily, nor could I feel the sting of hail as it sliced at my skin. I felt my chest burning, the fire consuming the entirety of every organ within my ribcage. I pulled myself tighter, tighter, and I could feel my ribcage cracking under the pressure, but against this internal fire, it was nothing.

I drew my knees towards my chin, tightening my grip around my legs. I lay there, petrified, unable to move as the rain washed the tears from my eyes.

Who knows how long I was lying there before you found me.

I was frozen. My muscles refused to even twitch, even as your warm arms wrapped around me and you pulled me close to your chest. I felt your hastened heart; urgency resonated through its beats as you dashed through the storm. Comparing my own breath to your heartbeat, I realised how short of breath I was; my lungs seemed to be filled with ice, and I could not breathe. I quivered in your arms, and you only held me tighter as you quickened your step, and finally lay me by the fireplace.

I shuddered uncontrollably as I thawed against the fire. I could not move my body at all, but as I began to recover my breath, I suddenly felt the consquences of pressuring my ribcage. Each time I inhaled, a sharp pain was shot at my lungs, and I almost whimpered in agony.

Your voice soothed me, trying to calm me down as you combed through my saturated hair. You tried to quiet me as I cringed, trying to sound out a sensical sentence.

"I'm numb, daddy. I'm numb and I'm empty." I whispered so softly, so painfully.

"I'm still here. I'll always be here..."

But he isn't, and neither is anyone else...

How dare you take your friends for granted. Shame.

My perspective has been mangled. I cannot see clearly.

Read this, and criticise me, but you're the one who doesn't realise that relationships are more than just boyfriends and girlfriends, but were friends too.

LOL, Sarah.
I pray that this will be that last most negatively emotive blog I will write. If only I could promise it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pocket Memories.

Soon this box will be littered with my favourite things to draw, and my innermost thoughts which encapsulate each day's worth of emotions will be scrawled into a single, poignant sentence atop the curves and bumps of the cardboard.

This is the box of the Wicked mug I've been raving on about. Sure, it seems empty enough... but wait til the end of the year.

Sure, it won't be colourful, but it will be eventful.

Pass the Mic ~ Don't be afraid to give other people a chance every once in a while.
Reach Out ~ Everyone is equal; be the one to prove it.
Speak Up ~ Your opinion DOES matter.
Take the Initiative ~ Stand up for what you believe is right. No one else is going to do it for you.
Be Thankful ~ Remind yourself of your blessings, because when you realise how much care and love has been poured into your life, it might be too late to be grateful.
Enjoy Life ~ Make mistakes. Have no regrets. Take the most out of it.
Be Yourself ~ Uniqueness is a gift, not an obligation.
Don't Judge ~ It's not about what you think. It's about what they feel.
Respect ~ It isn't something that's bought or demanded, its something that's earned.
Love Love ~ The word "love" has become overused, overlooked, misinterpreted, misused, disregarded and underestimated. Don't be another one that does the same.

Written almost 2 years ago, I believe.

I'm sorry that I've been lacking in worthy content ): I don't know why, but I can't collect any thoughts that I could possibly pull into prose.. not even an account :|

LOL, Sarah.
And this is all just a battle... yes, while it's just a battle, it will never end, as long as it's all in my head.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Some things are better left unsaid...

Because what is seen is so much louder than what is heard.

LOL, Sarah.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I'm abstracted, besieged, confounded, deluged, enervated... I could go on... go on, look them up.

The dusty rays beamed through the dirty glass pane, landing softly on the metallic packet, which glinted sharply in a brilliant white, mirroring the awe of the sun against the unkempt beams framing the door. Bubbles of plastic protruded from the flat panel of silver branded with words, and from within each bubble sat a single pill; untouched, chaste, unbroken and secure.

They certainly weren't familiar to me, but I knew what they were. They were as a bed to the restless, food to the hungry, and an umbrella to those drenched by the rain. They were cold-and-flu relief tablets, alleviation to anyone inflicted with the affects of spring.

In my healthy status, I understood them as very much the same thing, however...

Why wasn't I relieved when I saw the tablets, that they would fight for me in sickness? But instead, I am disheartened, and suddenly burdened with grief as thoughts of you flood back into my memories, where I had taken these same pills on the same night I not only was physically afflicted by influenza, but also ailed with wretched, torturous apparitions of the reality I thought would never come to pass.

And now that it's past, all I can say is I miss you.

- Once again, an expansion of a sentence written on the box of my Wicked mug earlier today.. or yesterday.
This whole week, I've been asking God 'how can anyone - least of all You - expect me to be able to worship You? To lead myself, let alone other people?' ... My heart has been tormented by discouraging and humiliating thoughts, and all I can hear God reminding me is this:

'I have nothing to be proud about, because I am weak, and I am worn out. But by God's grace, His strength is made perfect in my weakness, and when I fall short, His grace is sufficient for what I need'.

And what is so dangerous is that in our treks to creating perfection, our pride is seeps in, so that if we fall short, we have no one to blame but ourselves. We punish ourselves so inhumanly for what else, but for being... humans, who have always fallen short, but we expect to be able to do anything.

"With human beings this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26.

And I'm struggling with this, I will admit to that. I fall short, but only by the grace of God, and for the greater glory of God, whose strength is made perfect in my weakness, that I can get back up again.

LOL, Sarah.
This is my only online source for a while.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Flooded Detriment.

Everyday, the same thoughts regroup from my dormant, unconscious being and sweep through my idle mind. They mix themselves, challenging thoughts among struggling thoughts, conflicting against my desire to let peace's supremacy overrule. Like terrible waves smashing against a concrete wall, unable to get through, but if accumulated enough, a flood pours over, and my barrier is rendered as useless.

The heavy waters saturate the landscape, drowning the budding thoughts of peace scattered across my mind. I am drenched by thoughts so harsh and so weariful...

They rebuke me, trying to teach me, trying to deter me and influence me to their deceitful ways.

But I don't want to learn their lesson, because their lesson is hell.

- Expansion of a sentence written on the box of my Wicked mug a few weeks ago.
You know, I reckon watching movies at home are the most deviating experiences ever. Say, I watched Die Hard 4 the other day (love that movie), and I was warped right into it, even though I've seen it like 5 times hehe.

But anyway, it ended, and I decided to turn back to normal television. It's the weirdest thing to experience, because as soon as I switched to television and all these advertisements came up, I was suddenly overwhelmed with the experience of reality. It's just so.. overwhelming? Haha, it's just something I'll never get used to.

Love getting into the moment of movies (:

LOL, Sarah.
If times ever get awkward, don't forget to hold up your awkward balloon!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Relient K.

I hope to be there by the morning
and see this pining all transforming
into the arms of the Georgia sun
I'd love to feel the heat the sunrise
Brushing rays across my windshield as if one dries
the streams from off my face

Yet I know you'll be there cause you'll know I'll want you to be there
And we'll say hello as you're smiling in love
And we'll sigh so relieved I believe because we will both know by
tonight we'll feel normal again
But until then
Until then
Until then

Our backs supported by a hammock
we sum up perfection like a handbook
and God knows it all too well
We'll take a walk to find a gift shop
Who would've thought the book that you bought
would never come off the shelf

I spent my life wondering
Wondering when I'd find you
I searched for all these years and now you're right here
I need you to know that
Everything makes sense when you're with me

Walk out into the sultry evening
Cotton breathing when the sea winds
brush the hair down around your neck
You hold my hand like it's the first time
and all the feelings that our hearts find
will be just what we expect

It's all I can do to
thank you
cause every time you wrapped those arms around me
i felt I was home cause
everything made sense when you were with me.

I still love their lyrical content, despite my half-unrelatability towards it (: And I am also aware that I did make that up, haha.

If I could write lyrics that painted a picture of the sun's rays stretched across the array of spotless blue, not a billow in sight, and where the trees would in their swayed momentum be stilled... I would be content.

LOL, Sarah.
I'm happy and I'm not bothered by anything, but I just feel so drained by everything nowadays...

Friday, October 9, 2009


Friday morning - woke up at 5:30AM to go to the city. Pretty tiring. What's really awesome about my family is that the one time that I actually try to go to sleep early (2200 hrs is really early man!), what am I to find but my mother and my older brother sitting on MY bed, talking... and as soon as I'd entered, gestured me to go.

So what did I do? Well, I just sat on the couch in the living room - no, I was lying down, playing guitar and singing to myself. In hopes to calm me down, that is. I just don't understand from any rational that my older brother and my mum would use MY room instead of the living room.. talk about thinking about the family geez :p

Funny thing though, just before that, I was pondering the events of tomorrow, and I'd realised that I'd left my blazer in my locker that day. I needed it to look professional when I was going to a Melbourne Prayer Breakfast invited EXCLUSIVELY by the principal through Father David. Smart, huh? Thankfully, my older brother arrived home at that point, and I, in a frenzied panic, asked him to drive me to a friend's to borrow his blazer.

There's distinct differences between men's blazers and women's blazer. 1) the buttons are on the right side, 2) his one only had 2 buttons S: and 3) [although I don't think this one counts for as much] IT WAS RIDICULOUSLY BIG! I felt like I was playing dress up back when I was four. Of course, this is just an expression, because I don't actually remember playing dress up.. at all. Oh well, it's just one of those things I was always deprived of when I was younger (:

Anyway, hopped into the car, and saw stream of yellow burst from the horizon. I got so excited at this, thinking 'I'm going to see the sun rise!' And I was all whoopeekayay... But I didn't end up seeing it, because the stupid city skyscrapers got in the way, and we neared our destination.

We ended up being early, God given there was no traffic, and so we sat in the car for about five minutes. Me, thinking it wouldn't be too far to look for, decided to stay in the car longer, but my brother drove me out, and so we went off to our designated area.

It took us so long to get there. We just kept walking, and walking, and walking! 5 minutes is a LONG walk when you don't know where you're going and it's 6:40 in the morning -.-

So we met up with our other brekky buddies, and eventually everyone turned up and we were seated. The place was especially posh - I overheard that they had the Brownlow's here once or a few times? And also, Kevin Rudd was also invited to the breakfast as well... I felt so humbled and so out of place with my oversized blazer and my dorky uniform... but I guess we all got over it after we took our blazers off.

The principal didn't even show up... so there we were hoping that he'd paid for our breakfasts already! They served so much! Just munchies at the start - muffins, pastries, and fruit. Then came the real deal. Egg benedict: poached eggs on english muffins and bacon and topped with hollandaise (two slices of the english muffin), two sausages, two hash browns, and a pack of mushrooms. This was outrageous, and I could only eat half (I ate one of each, you know, for variety ^^) And I was tempted to ask for a take-away box, but I didn't want to seem more cheap than I looked already haha.

In the midst of our breakfast, I swear, they would not stop praying! I guess they appropriately named it the Melbourne Prayer Breakfast, huh? Four people just lined up, and one after another, read out pre-written prayers with but 10 seconds break - a friend was funny, as soon as one prayer finished, he cut up a bit of sausage as quickly as he could muster, and shoved it in his mouth just as the next prayer started. Another time, I hadn't realised that people had stopped eating, and were actually praying (again.. haha) as I was putting a mushroom in my mouth... I slowly stopped chewing, but I didn't want to make a noise by putting down my cutlery, so I was awkwardly holding my knife and fork for the remainder of the prayer (awkward much?)

All in all though, it was pretty amazing. Ben Price - comedian/impersonater was a pretty grand MC, very interesting, and the morning ran smoothly. They had technical difficulties! Haha!

And last but not least, I really have to mention Ken Duncan. He's an awesome photographer... and so humble too. His testimony was great, and he was so friendly as well. Got his autograph and his book 'Where Jesus Walked'. It's pretty amazing.

This is probably the quickest I've written a lengthy blog. Only 30 mins!


And yeah, I am writing this on a Saturday night, and you would have never known.

LOL, Sarah
It's pretty obvious that I may or may not be delirious whilst writing this - so messy and informal! Gah!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Dear Blood,

Before you turn a cold shoulder and let a tear escape from your weary eyes, think not on the emptiness within your closed eyelids.

Don't be ignorant, and don't take us for granted.
Don't think that your family has alienated you; where are you most of the time?
Don't think that your leaders have forgotten about you; who else is still praying, even after all this time, for you?
Don't think that your friends have deserted you; who else are you talking to every day?
Don't think that you're not loved.

Look around you.

You have a family who is willing to lay down all that they do, just to see you rise again.
You have a leader- no, many, who would earnestly and diligently pray over you, just so you would realise that they would support you to the very end.
You have friends, and they aren't being ghostly towards you, but you've shut your eyes from them as well.
And you have Him. God, all you need IS Him. He was willing to lay down His life for you, just to show you that He loves you.

Don't tell me you don't have enough. Love is all around. So just look at what you're surrounded by.

LOL, Sarah.
Yeah, it's exclusive, but it could be about you.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tranquil & Temperate.

I can finally sleep through the storm.

The weather today reminded me of the affects that recent events have had on me: physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

Now I know why Jesus could sleep through the storm. (:

The rays of the sun stretched across the sky this morning, each of its rays descended upon every small gap, and seeped through the cloud's lazy haze. Its warmth ticked at my bare skin, sending me a quiver of warmth throughout my body.

Finally, a cheery, warm day, I thought to myself.

The clouds seemed to bountifully overlap each other as I gazed at the blue glass dome that seemed to bind me with gravity; they hovered above me in such majesty yet lofty demeanor, suppressing the azure canvas that stretched across the borders of the earth. Such an amazing culmination of the most lofty of clouds together with dark, malevolent clouds with a hint of foreshadow had me at a standstill, and I marvelled at the beauty of the simple shades of grey, tinted with brilliant yellows and pieces of blue from far behind the pillowy forms.

It is worthwhile for a few pictures, I smiled to myself.

I drummed my fingers on the table, in sync with nature as heavy rains pelted on the school roofs; it increased in volume and density, and steadily dropped. Softer, louder, softer, and louder. My teacher battled for the attention of her students, her voice almost straining as she struggled to overcome the volume of the sky's jewels... It was no longer just water that she fought against now. Along with the thick drizzle of much needed water, the skies sifted through small, white rocks that sounded like a shower of bullets on the patio. For a moment, my concentration completely deterred, and the drone of my teacher faded into the patterns of the dancing drops. I closed my eyes and listened to the rhythm of the rain and hail.

Like music to my ears, it is revitalising for us all, I sighed to myself.

The sun peaked out from behind the sheets of grey, but the clouds kept it from being completely exposed. Billows rolled to and fro, surrounding the tiny infiltration of light, where its glory was just beyond the earth's grasp. I was hopeful for the earth to once again to saturate the heat of the sun, but soon enough, the greater light of the day was shrouded by a permeation of smouldering greys across the sky. Despite the haze, splotches of a brilliant blue lined against the heavy clouds.

There's always, a silver lining, I mused to myself.

And so the sun and the clouds battled for authority over the skies, where clouds trapped away the warmth the earth so desired (well, it IS spring), whilst the sun glamoured through and soaked up the tears of the sky... tears considered precious jewels gone to waste on the concrete driveways and footpaths by which people sloshed their way through to go home. The skies themselves, as neutral as they were, remained a peaceful blue, minding its own business, and simply awaited the quarrel to end. And as the battle above raged on, I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

At least this makes for good photos on my handy camera phone. (;

... and I should stop writing, it's getting late. (:

LOL, Sarah.
And maybe now, I can sleep through the storm too.

Monday, October 5, 2009

In Blooms.

From little things, big things grow.
- Paul Kelly

I ♥ this song (: It's so cute, and yet it holds such a powerful message that has everything to do with faith. Like a seed.

I watched as you filled the plastic cup with a small amount of rich, fertilised soil; deep browns speckled with spots of yellows and greens cascaded into the cup from the small packet you held so delicately. Once the cup was filled halfway, you gestured towards my hand. I'd forgotten that I was holding a tiny seed that spread only a centimetre across my hand. I was holding it tight, afraid that I would lose the precious, nutty jewel.

When I realised that you were asking for what I was holding in my hand, I quickly pouted at you and pulled my hand towards my chest. I squeezed at the jewel a little tighter, whilst ensuring I was delicate with it, and covered my closed hand with another for more protection. I suddenly had the urge to run away in fear; fear that you would steal away what you had just given me.

I was treasuring your gift, so why did you want it back? I pondered to myself as I avoided your gaze. Upon eventually finally daring to turn my eyes towards you, my eyes fell in the gaze of yours. Your cool blue eyes showed nothing but kindness and hope towards me, and I couldn't help but feel guilty; you seemed to only reflect genuine care and love for me. The guilt ebbed away at my heart, and I stepped forward in reluctance.

"Trust me," was all you said. I only wished you could say more to explain your insistant actions as you once again gestured towards me to hand over the seed. I pouted again, and, upon deliberating a little further, I began to step forward.

I could not look at you as I placed the seed in your hands; humiliated and guilt-ridden, as soon as the seed left my now bare hand, I plopped myself on a small stool in annoyance. I stared out the window in ignorance; that is, until you proded my shoulder and told me to watch. I glared at the cup in refusal to look at you, and you dug a small hole into the centre of the soil, before burying the seed within.

I gasped at your actions. I was shocked and uncomprehensive at your actions, so I stood up to beg you to stop... but I remembered I was giving you the silent treatment, so I sat back down again and gazed at the window to disguise my hurt. I pulled my legs close to my chest, and rested my chin on my knees, all the while pouting in anger.

As you began to move away and your footsteps fade into the distance, you called out once again, saying, "Trust me", and left me to sit in my lonely stool.

You tapped my on the shoulder, and as I turned, I noticed that you were hiding something behind your back. I'd soon forgotten about the grudge that I held a few days ago. I beamed at you cheekily, and began to prod at you to show me what you were hiding. You smiled back at me, playfully resisting my pokes for a while, before reminding me of the events that occured a few days ago. As I was brought back to it, my anger and upset was returned, and my joyous complexion furrowed into annoyance once again. I looked up at you with unpleasant question, and you just smiled. You handed to me a tiny watering can...

... And then handed to me a small plastic cup filled with rich soil, where in the middle a small stalk supported a beautiful blossoming flower.

"It's in your care now".

Wow, I'm totally not re-writing this :p Look at the time it was posted.. and at the moment, it is exactly 11:11! (:

Funny, but oh well. School's fun. I'm full of hope again..

LOL, Sarah.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Snap To Reality.

Worn out, wasted, like a bird with broken wings.
Sometimes grace reminds me,
I don't get to be the King.

But love, it washes over,
Love, it pulls me closer.
Love, it changes everything.

So everything is beautiful,
Even when the tears are falling,
I don't need a miracle to believe.
Even in the crashing down,
I can hear redemption calling,
And everything is beautiful to me.

Sweetly, You release me,
from the weight of what I've done.
The trigger trips the hammer,
But the bullets never come.

And love is like a landslide,
Like the wind, spins around me,
pulls me in, at it's unveiling, I begin.

Everything Is Beautiful - Starfield

Hello, September. Sorry that I'm a tad delayed. Been in a bit of a puzzle, you see. I will be back, no doubt, but you may have to wait on me once again. Sorry.

LOL, Sarah.