Thursday, May 21, 2009

She Burns Like The Sun.

You were one of the highlights in my day that was full of highlights...

Tears are welling up in my eyes.
I feel the need to rip out my heart from my body with my very own hands. My heart singes against my lungs and is attempting to break open the confines of my ribcage. Its irregular beats sync with my shortened breaths again. My heart feels like its being wrapped and squeezed by barbed wire, whilst at the same time it's about to explode. My breath suppresses the violent screams that are so desperately trying to escape, if I would dare sustain my exhalation. These symptoms aren't fake, and nor are they completely exaggerated. Dear God, it hurts. Because inside I'm still comparing myself to someone else. I feel like a quitter; why am I giving up something I once loved? It kills me to even try for it now, and these psychological attacks on my body are aching more and more as time runs out.

I found an excuse to talk to you again, despite my swift move to hide from the world. If you could pry my raven claw grip loose from my heart and relieve its pressure, there was that high possibility that I would cry all over you. Just because I needed to vent.


Stress has its down days on me. But I overall had a very good day. I love how we could spend such a good time together. It was as if there was no one else but you and I again...

... Like best friends should be.

LOL, Sarah.


trandrew said...

Dw sarah, im sure ull make the right desision. ur my inspiration for a lot of things.

LOL. Sarah

Just as best frends should be.

LOL. Andrew

misses sarah heaps :(.

trandrew said...

:(, i was reading thru ur older posts and came past this one agen. U doubt urself, to much. and like i sed on my last comment
'ur my inspiration for a lot of things'.

misses sarah heaps :(.