Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Finger Spaces.

Eurgh, you're even beginning to haunt me in my dreams. The only difference is... whatever I have been obsessing about had disappeared as soon as I saw you in clouds of grey and white.

Whatever has been going on, I'm really starting to hope that the top lines in italics slowly begin to fade. I don't even care that I barely know you, haha because this is so ridiculously pointless and unrealistic to me. I'm being completely biased about you, and I'm not getting anywhere; all I am is being caught up with my strings of attachment I've managed to wrap around you without your consent. I've made a puppet of myself, and even though you don't know it, you're the puppeteer who's tugging at my very motions. You subconsciously dictate my every move, and to be honest, it sometimes kills me. We don't even have some sort of concrete foundation on which we're building a friendship on, if we're even building at all.

*sigh*, yet you're still admirable. I'm just scared that because of you, I may seem to be taking my other friendships for granted.


It was the first time we had met, but you'd felt some sort of connection between us, didn't you? I met you, you met me, and we met each other's friends, greeting each other with courteous detachment. We stood by each other, with plans of simply enjoying a night that could have led to so many different conclusions. We talked a fair bit; your smooth talk was so easy and luring, and in my lack of knowledge of something called 'boundaries', I decided to respond in a similar manner. It was obvious that I was interested in who you were, but you got the idea that I was interested in you, didn't you? There is a miniscule difference, but had you thought correctly, I would not have wound up like this. We continued our elegant conversation; you were easy to converse with, entertaining, witty and intelligent. I don't understand how someone like you could take any kind of interest with the knob that I was back years ago. I knew little, experienced less, and in contrast to you, I was a black an white canvas whilst you were full of brilliant colours that resonated a living life. You knew it all...

And you exposed to me a life without expectations and rules, and as they said 'there's a first for everything'...


I don't know how to finish it. Hehe. Anywho, I have this blog I wrote at the beginning of the year, and I've only shown it to certain people. I'm not sure whether I should expose such a personal blog on this site, because of confidentiality purposes and the like, and because of the most recent purposes of my blogs, if you kind of get my drift. :P

Anyway, that will be all. I have an English SAC that I shall be studying for.

Until we meet again, oh dearest blog reader,

LOL, Sarah.

1 comment:

trandrew said...

oo sarah sarah sarah, how you amaze me. so much going on in that little yet infinitely vast mind of yours :). you will always be that enigma to me known as 'the little rocker chick'. Even though i think i know so much about you i know so little, like a tea bag hiden ful of herbs and spices ive yet to discover! I hope that one day ur secrets shall not be required to be sheathed in a scabbard...and i will mayb get to know sarah. not LOL, sarah.

a bit of writing of my own...pang take that.

haha much love sarah. Xx good luck on english friday :). im sure ull kill it.