Tuesday, September 30, 2008

An Offer; Self-Worth.

I have nothing more than what You offer me.

A thought occured to me as this song played. God offers me shelter, a place of warmth; He offers me food, satisfying me; He offers me a bed; to comfort me. God offers me a family, so close to unconditional love and care; He offers me friends, to support me; He offers me His Son, His sacrifice, He offers me Himself. In Himself, He offers love, care, faithfulness, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, self-control. And He offers freedom.

And I can throw all this away, because this is all just an offer. But in the end, what else do I have?

"The one who calls you is faithful, and HE will do it". - 1 Thessalonians 5:24.

What can we give, but what He has given unto us?

I offer devotion.

*Starfield - Unashamed
*In Your Freedom - Hillsong


"Ah, another poor, lost soul in seach for her self worth!" The host gazed at me, grinning as he boomed loudly across the stage. "Step right up here, just here, right here on this dot." He was surprisingly coordinated as he manoeveured me between the tables, guiding me to his desired destination. I was dumbfounded as he pushed me along; I could not work out my purpose for being here. Surely I knew where my self-worth was already. His beady eyes bore into mine as my tried to read them. I failed epically.

"There are so very many ways of developing your self-worth! In fact, so many, you'd be completely unique still, no matter what you choose! I'm your host for today, giving you options that will last you a lifetime! Or, alternatively, however long you want! That's how good this show is; we let you choose just how much you need or want, and BAM! You get it right away! Haha!"

I was still confused of whatever he was talking about, when he scooted over to a panel which held 4 boards that faced down. With a swish of his right hand the boards were flipped over.

"My dear, here are your 4 options of self-worth. I may be contradicting myself when I say that there are 4, but I'm not! For most certainly these are what match up to your current desire, mood, AND thoughts! With many careful calculations, these are what fits your criteria most to suit your very needs! Haha! How very smart, isn't it? Of course, there are alternative choices, if you would like more, haha!"

His grin was wide, as I stared at the 4 boards. They all seemed obsurd to me...

"I shall introduce you to your first option! POPULARITY!"

A sudden round of applause sounded from nowhere.

"This direction to self-worth is easy, and you can be yourself! All you need to do is be in with what's in, and completely disagree with what's not! You're gonna have to choose your friends though, because you'll be making a lot of enemies! But it's all worth it, because it's your self-worth that you're building up! Being popular meets your demands of security, dependence, and the feeling of love and adoration by all who are close by you! A very passionate option indeed! Haha, how exciting it is to be POPULAR! You can become just like me!"

His laugh began to irritate me by now, but his words struck deep into my heart. But he refused to give me time to work things out, interrupting my thoughts completely with my second option.

"And now for your next choice: LOVE!"

A chorus of "Oohs" came from some audience which I now realised was behind me.

"Ah, love, isn't it such a beautiful thing? Easily satisfying, for any who may feel a little bit left out!" He gave a wink to the invisible audience behind me. "Develop your self-worth with a partner and he will give you the LOVE you deserve! He will wipe away all loneliness, all insecurity, and all those little thoughts in your head that you just dreamed that was real! Haha! A loving partner is just what you need to satisfy your human desires! And your self-worth will never be so low again! It's getting hot and steamy in here now, isn't it! Haha!"

The crowd laughed with him, as I scrutinized the choices so far presented to me. There was most definately something strange here, but I could not pinpoint it, for my thoughts were abruptly deterred by his voice again.

"Here is a choice that will blow your mind! TALENT!"

The audience sighed at the word, but I'd had enough. My mind was blown already with the choices so far put in front of me; I could not handle anything else.

"Excuse me... excuse me? Sir? Mr. Host?" I croaked with my almost non-existant voice. He didn't seem to hear me, but I persisted anyway.

"These options are so tempting for me; they are almost irresistable, but I will have to refuse them all. For I have already have my self-worth. And I find that in God. Sure, I may be hindered, tempted, led astray, but my foundation in Him is strong, but His cross has placed in me my worth to Him, for He loves me."

And I walked away; all eyes were on me, and the host's mouth hung wide opened as he stared after me. I was torn, but I know I'd made the right choice.


Finally a non-dream. I hope it's okay to read through, and I hope it makes you think. And yeah, same to the one before this.

LOL, Sarah.

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