Monday, September 1, 2008

Limited Edition much?

Updates: The picture is finished (I don't remember if I've said this already?), and yes, I despise it, but oh well. I'm looking forward to painting. My scar has almost finished healing. No more scabby things that fall off... just flakyness. Ew...

OH MY LOL! Guess what guys! Oops, I forgot that by the time you read this, I'll have written everything already; you're not reading as I'm writing. Man I'm confusing, and I've probably said that like a kajillion times already. BUT YES. I will tell you something exciting! Not now though. Why? I can't be bothered :).

SO like, in my Divinity class, we like, learnt like about injustice and like yeah. I don't remember. OH yeah. We're talking about symbols. Sorry... I'm trying to distract myself, so this blog MAY be a bit harder to read than normal. MUAHAHA. But yeah, we were talking about like how symbols refer to certain things; they portray something. Something shallow, perhaps. I'll explain.

Symbolism makes it easier for people to recognise who you are. If you have a lot of pink on you or in your environment, you'd be considered very girly, or very gay (happy?). If you're in MacDonalds, you'd be portrayed as someone unhealthy (no matter how skinny you may be). If you have a cross with Jesus hanging from it around your neck, you're considered a Catholic?

But symbolism easily comes as another stereotypical device. I don't like it. But it's something that we've all grown a part of, and it's a part of our culture. It's shallow, and allows prejudiced judgement upon others.

BAHAHAHHAHAA. :( Prejudice. Essay. SAC. English. Add all these to Sarah and you get Fail. Well I know I won't fail, because I wrote SOMETHING, and I fulfilled every requirement (TEEL structure, Intro, Conclusion, etc..) It just sucked. I swear I'm gonna get a C. C for crap, just so you know. If I got a B, I still wouldn't be please. B is for Bad. Hahaha. Totally stealing this off Kevjumba. Thanks man! You're awesome (he's a youtube guy; I don't actually know him, but kudos to him anyway!) But ah, man. My previous teacher for Criminal Minds gives me an A for one of my essays, right... And then she gives me C+ for my exam essay. Life is so unfair. There were two parts, and the essay was out of 60; while the issue analysis was out of 40. I got 40/40 for issue analysis, but only 39/60 for my essay. I mean, c'mon man... at least give me one more mark so I can get a higher average! Far out -_- at least I averaged a B+, which I'm okay with. As I said, B is bad, but B+ is a positive bad :). Haha I'm not even making sense.

I'm so hungry. But I already ate so much. Like, I had half SPANISH (heo yeah, teh shiz bro) chicken and chips, THEN I went home and ate a sausage. Half chicken is a lot okay... It doesn't sound like much, BUT IT'S HEAPS. ESPECIALLY IF IT'S DRY! Eurgh, yucko. Oh well, it was Spanish chicken, so it makes up for it :). Hm... More water.

Don't you hate it when you leave water out for just a TAD too long... and dust starts collecting, and when you drink it, you kinda get a furry feeling in your mouth? Yeah, I'm never doing that again. HAHA.

Anyway. I suppose I should tell you my surprise now. BUT WAIT! I need to mention something. My cousin picked me up today :). And we talked, and and ate, and shopped. Fun.

Yeah, okay NOW here comes the surprise. Well, you should all know that Johnny from America went to the Comic-Con (if you don't know, then you probably don't know him)! And HE BOUGHT ME SOMETHING. Not something small either. Not something cheap. Something that's exclusive, and RARE. And it is...

*drum roll*

HAHA. I love dragging things out. :)

IT'S A YELLOW DOMO-KUN FLOCKED VINYL FIGURE; COLLECTOR'S EDITION! APPARENTLY I'M A COLLECTOR OF DOMO-KUN NOW! Haha, nah I'm joking, but it's so cool! Limited edition much man? Haha thanks so much Johnny.. I owe you. :) But... why is it yellow? That's the only thing I don't get. OH WELL. I don't care, it's Domo-kun, and it's rare, and it's mine, so I'm happy.

If you didn't notice, my mood dramatically changed throughout the whole blog.

LOL, Sarah.

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