Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mindful Exerpts.


I should stop with the inconsistent blogging... but I can't help it! Because all my ideas for blogging are from when I'm in the car, at church, at school, etc... basically whenever I think. Obviously, at home I don't think at all. I'm too distracted. By the time I get home, I completely forget about my ideas, or I can't be bothered typing my thoughts (at the moment, really, there are no thoughts... this is a nice song though :).

Duh.. mental blank. ANYWAY yeah, you'd be thinking, Sarah, just write your ideas down.

... Yeah okay, valid argument, but I do have a point to point out (bleh, bad english). WELL. To be honest, I can't be bothered writing it out. Yes, I probably do have a pen and paper near me, since I almost always get ideas in the car, but have you ever tried writing in a car? It's hard. And messy. I don't like messy. Also, my ideas are quite lengthy. For example, I was going to write out something like this:

.. I completely blanked out, so I'm gonna write something completely random and irrelevant to what I've been saying. I must say that a lot of my ideas are like exerpts of short stories. Short stories of my life. Like episodes.. no, shots. Really short, but really meaningful :). That's why I like writing better. :)

I'm getting soo distracted by msn.. hahaha so before the exerpt I'll show you this really funny thing with Betty from Perth. I swear, it's hilarious! :)

10:57 PM) -:
do u have bby pics?
(10:57 PM) -:
(10:57 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: nope
(10:57 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: i'm adopted.
(10:57 PM) -: .... are u serious?
(10:57 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: .. LOOOOOOOOOOOL
(10:57 PM) -: are u serious?
(10:57 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: LOL
(10:57 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: NO
(10:57 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: WHAT THE HECK
(10:58 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: HAHAHA
(10:58 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: I LOVE MSN
(10:58 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: HAHA
(10:58 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: ;D
(10:58 PM) -: LOLOL
(10:58 PM) -: =="
(10:58 PM) -: !!!!!
(11:00 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: LOLOL
(11:00 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: IT'S SO FUNNY
(11:00 PM) -: lol T____T!

NOW WHO DIDN'T LAUGH AT THAT?! Well if you didn't, well then you must be very emo, or very boring and not easily amused. Boo you. Nah you're still cool to me :). You and me are like a magnet. Whenever you're close, I move towards you sub-consciously; following right behind you. However I try so hard to turn away, and you notice, so you give me space. It's strange... I don't know what I want from you. I want more, but I don't want anything at all. You really are bad for me. I accept, but I know I still can't live without you yet.

Mmhm. Yes, that's all. Man, I'm soo distracted by youtube now. Everyone go look up The Dark Knight Interrogation Spoof! It's funny! So is Mychonny. Yup.

ANYWAY. Back to.. uhh wherever I was. My scar is shiny.. @_@. Fun. Anyway I don't understand. One of my youth leaders told me that boys are very thick in the head; they don't understand ANYTHING until you actually say it straight. She even used a male leader to demonstrate. And I finally got the point (who's the thick headed one now? =-=). But yeah, I suppose it's true. When you say "I'm fine..." to a guy, and you kind of look away, they think that you don't want to talk to them, even though what we really want is their undivided attention. Haha. Damn, girls are confusing :).

I'm in a really good mood, if you haven't realised. It's so good ay. Like, I know why too. :).

"But seek His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33

"Draw near to GOD and HE will draw near to you." James 4:8

I've been living by these verses... along with the promises that He WILL come, and that He is NOT fazed by where I am... therefore neither should I. "Seek and you will find"... It's simple really... I've been overwhelmed by emotions and stuff lately, and I know God as my comfort, and my peace. I struggle with Dev, even though I know that when I do dedicate time to God, peace flows from my heart, and I am at ease. Amen ay? :)

Anyway yeah I've calmed down now. It's probably just the song, but yeah. I'm happy.

Praise God.

LOL, Sarah.

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