Saturday, August 30, 2008

Humane Desire.

I FORCED LIGHT INTO MY VISION as I struggled to create slits through my heavy eyes. I hadn't realised that I had been asleep for so long. I tried and failed to stir myself from where I lay. My eyes drooped, and I drifted in and out of sleep until the line between my fantasy and my reality could not be distinguished.

I opened my eyes to a well-lit room. I recognised that the light was, suspended on a wooden beam that stretched across the ceiling. There was nothing out of the ordinary of this room, only that it looked so strangely familiar. I was still in bed, curved in a stiff, upright position against the wall. My whole body was tense, and every muscle tightened around my bones, making me forget to breathe. Without noticing, I clenched my hands into tight, white fists beside my body and snapped my jaw together. I was frozen, and I could only move my eyes, examining the figure that had suddenly stood in front of me.

I could not take my eyes off his face. Light freckles scattered across the bridge of his nose and cheeks, which were pale, but full of life. His full lips were curved into a slight, smug smile, but didn't disturb his smooth complexion. His light, copper brown hair framed his face, bouncing slightly to create a careful, curly mess on his head. But it was his eyes that mesmerized me. A cheeky hazel brown pierced into my eyes, as if mine were made of glass. Full of life and reflection, his eyes seemed to smile along with his face. I was still tense, but I could not relieve myself of it. I could not take my eyes off his.

He chuckled slightly, letting me catch a glimpse of his brilliant white teeth. I panicked as he leaned forward towards me, supporting himself by placing his hand gently next to my clenched fist. He laughed at my reaction, and leaned further until his head was rested just under my neck. My heart thumped loudly and clumsily, seeming to be just as alarmed and tense as I felt. He smiled as he closed his eyes, listening to the unsteady beat of my heart.

My fists were now unclenched, and they lightly ran through the ruffles of his messy curls. I could not comprehend his actions, but I was okay with it. After all, this is what I wanted, wasn't it? It was as if he had heard my thoughts, because he gently lifted his hands and wrapped his arms around my waist, his hands smoothly tracing small circles on the small of my back. I stiffened again, but only for a short while; his hands were relieving the stress in my body.

"You need to loosen up," He murmured. His voice sounded more like a thought in my head, but I knew that he had said it. "It's kinda hard," I mumbled, suddenly worried that my weight may be crushing his hands. But they weren't; one hand followed the curve of my spine, the other continuing to circle the my lower back, then soon following. I inhaled sharply, and he gently lifted his head, his eyes gazing into mine.

"I'm only trying to massage you,"He chuckled again, slightly louder and more amused. He leaned closer to my face; his smile smug as he leaned to bury his head in the curve of my neck and shoulder. He lifted me, and released his grip of my body. I suddenly exhaled, and he shook slightly as he laughed again. I was getting tired of his laughing now. I was humiliated, but my thoughts deterred as he hugged at my shoulders, massaging them now. I sighed, leaning my head forward, then sideways so that my cheek rested on his hair. I still could not move the rest of my body.

Suddenly, he let me go, straightening himself as he sat next to me. I fell slightly, hitting my head on the metal frame at the top of my head. I cringed slightly, and glared at him. He chuckled at my reaction. "I know your scent now," he mused, instantly reminding me of Twighlight, "that's all I wanted". He got up and took a step away from me. I watched him, and he turned around to meet my pleading eyes. I didn't want him to go just yet, even though I was content. He smiled again, but his eyes were deadened.

I woke up, again.


I love my dreams. I reckon I could create a whole story with just them. But I'm thankful that they are just dreams.

LOL, Sarah.

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