Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rainbows and Butterflies.

Hay look, it's a 2 year old drawing (enlarge by clicking on the photo... please). Heo yeah. In case you can't recognise it (or even as much read the heading), it's a picture of all the characters from the Little Miss and Mr. Men series. I used to have all these books of them, but no longer do I have them... I think we've given them away, after ridiculously colouring and drawing all over them with pencils (back in the days....heo yeah). Anyway this picture took me 6 weeks approx. A few hourse each week. It. Took. Ages. And I'm not completely satisfied at this, because I rushed to finish it, and I left gaping holes between a lot of where I coloured. But you can't blame me, I was only 13. HA HA . 13 is young okay.

Which brings me to this: it's amazing how quickly talent is lost. This picture is a perfect example. My talent in colouring has evidently deteriorated over the past few years, as well as drawing. I used to draw heaps. I lost the passion.

This is a really boring blog! Anyway so today I woke up, and did homework, which consisted of reading, writing, and colouring in. I suppose this blog is mainly about colouring in, since I've talked excessively about colouring in already (see above for details). Then I went on msn, and continued to colour. Then I began to learn Plug In Baby (acoustic) by Muse. It's a cool song. Then I completely stopped colouring and began to talk to people. Which I am also doing now. I also ate by the way. I ate KFC. I wanted Subway, but my older brother guilt tripped me into eating KFC. How does that work? I don't know, but I'm feeling light headed now. Anyway, I'll explain.

I was awake for hours, drifting in and out of sleep (I see now that maybe I wasn't completely awake for hours after all). And my older brother somehow towered over me, and I only realised once my bed started tilting on my left. By the way, I sleep upside-down. I'll leave you to figure out what that means!

And so he asked me what I wanted, and I said Subway. Gawrsh, I haven't had it for so long. Anyway, we got in the car, two brothers and me, and my older brother said to my other brother that he should eat KFC so that my older brother would only need to buy a Family Feast. Then he told me that we can still get Subway, and then get KFC, but if I wanted KFC, we just needed to go to St. Albans. Subway was in Sunshine. I felt bad, so we got KFC.

Dodgy. I feel really lightheaded. Sorry for the lame as blog!

"For from the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks." Matthew 12:34

It became clear to me just how fatal my words can be when my heart is filled with things like frustration, anger, pain and sadness. And how much my words can hurt. Which it has. I could not help it, because my words were simply the overflow of my heart. But that doesn't justify the hurt I cause.

Just something I learnt through the week.

I've started Devotions again. Yay!

Still light headed.



NitNav said...

I guess you left your old passion with a new passion... Childhood passions is quite different to teenage passion then adulthood passion...

One thing remains the same in all those stages though: Keeping it burning

and oh... KFC FTW!

nathanNIGHTMARE™ said...


only vampires sleep upside down.
which leads me to believe that you. are. a. vampire.

which extremely freaks me out.







that was all.

nathanNIGHTMARE™ said...

Oh yeah.
I forgot.
I posted something.
Seems like a rant thought.
But then again...
What is a blog but a rant.

Z_Blogz said...

upside down? or is your world upside down and your sleeping normal haha i kinda don't know what that means but anyway... mmm KFC

But yes i noe exactly what you mean but gifts changing over time :(