Thursday, August 14, 2008

All that Artsy Fartsy stuff.

Ohayo. My name is Sarah. I am cool.

Haha am I kidding myself? :( I've decided to blog today, because I know that I had some ideas earlier. However, now... I've completely forgotten what I wanted to write about. Oh well!

I have an oral tomorrow. An Indonesian one. I have to learn about 20 sentences relating to "sickness". And body parts. In Indonesian. Wooh, wish God's hand on me haha. I'm so gonna get owned, even though I actually studied. HAH, nah I'll be fine. :)

Speaking of Indonesian, I'm really torn between choosing either Music Performance/Music Styles and LOTE: Indonesian next year. I only have space for one more subject, and there is NO WAY I will be changing the ones I've already put down. Here are the facts:

1. I'm currently doing year 10 Music Performance, which is the exact same thing as VCE Music Performance 1&2. Also, I got 98% for my exam, but only 80% for my performance on guitar.

2. I got 80% in Indonesian, but that's hardcore good because it was so hard. Haha. And it's a second language. I heard it gets scaled up by about 10? It's so cool.

3. If I do Music Performance, I will have no friends. Yes, I know it's shallow, but it's true. All my friends wanna do Music Styles if not VCE Music Solo Performance 3&4. I'm the only one that wants to do 1&2 Music Performance. Also, if I were to do Music Performance 1&2, I would have to consider getting a teacher (this year I'm being assessed on guitar). And I'm planning to get a singing teacher, so yeah (I need help getting one, so if anyone can offer me someone that can teach me, email me or call me or chat to me or something.. yeah).

4. I'm good at both subjects. I have experience of music because my older brother used to teach me theory and stuff, and because I used to learn Viet, it's easy for me to grasp Indonesian (word order; spelling; numbers).

5. I love music more. However, I really need to focus a lot more on practice, because I am no where near the level of 3&4 (if so, in need of a guitar teacher).

6. Indonesian may get me to more places?

And yeah, I can't think of any more reasons. But yeah, I'm so torn. It makes me buon. Oh well, no more thinking about it.

I've just realised just how much I write: I write a lot. Like heaps. In every blog, you have to scroll down just so that it would finish haha. It's ridiculous. But I can't help the fact that my mind is filled with useless junk that has the potential to be useful... NOT. HAHA I MADE THE NOT JOKE (couldn't help quoting Borat).

I don't have a daily word today. :(. I'll make it YAHWEH. I'm listening to Exalted (Yahweh) - Chris Tomlin on the album "Hello Love". It's a beautiful song, and it's just so like (an extract of my mind begins about here) JESUS PRAISE YOU, YOU ARE HIGH, MAN I WANNA WORSHIP YOU, THIS SONG IS AWESOME, BUT IT'S YOU THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT AWESOME. And it's true. No worship would really be awesome unless you know who it's directed at. And worship is directed to God, at God, for God. Amen yeah?

Updates: it's got a purple outline, but the actual thing is the same colour of my skin, just flaky! It means it's healing! Yay! // No progress on my picture. I REALLY AM planning on doing a new one... give me time please.

Someone keeps calling me and they're always on private number. GRR! So like they called again today, and I picked up (WIN FOR ME) and I said hello (question-like pitch). Then they hung up. What a waste of credit! And it's so annoying for me because I don't know who's calling and it's scary knowing someone you MIGHT BUT MIGHT NOT know has your number. And they keep refusing to tell me who it is. Not even leaving a name. It's sad.

I really need to get over my feelings. I have control, but my control isn't good enough. Ha. Holy Spirit, it's time to rumble :)

I don't know what to call this blog.. but I suppose you would know already, because by the time you read this I would have already written in the title for today's blog. Oh well.

I'm hungry

LOL, Sarah.


Z_Blogz said...

mmmm i see yur predicament :P well like always pray about it, n think about it seriously like what will you use more of once again an excellent post :)

All d best :)

Colin Reynolds said...

Selamat malam!