Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Occupational Health and Safety Law... thing.

Woohoo. A scar. Wooh. Although I'm not entirely sure as to whether having a scar is totally awesome or not. I think it is.

You're probably wondering how I got it. WELL. Funnily enough, one Friday lunchtime, I was hungry, thus I went to the canteen to get food (I warn you now, this is most likely turning into a rant, because certain things happen after I get this scar). When I finally got inside the cafeteria, I searched the shelves for healthy food. However, all there was were stupid salad wraps and such. No Caesar salad. Buon. Nevertheless, I had a hunger for something big... something hot (stupid mistake). So I headed for the hot food.

Now the hot food sat on 2 shelves. Why? Higher sales rate I suppose. I looked at some of the items for a while, and something caught my eye. Fish and chips: $3.80. I almost immediately grabbed it, when something else captured my attention. Calamari and chips, identically priced. I win. I win, I win, I win. I wanted calamari, and not only was I able to afford it, I was also rewarded chips as a bonus (although the chips took up about 7/8ths of the box). There were boxes and boxes. So I reached out and grabbed one, then headed towards the counter to wait. I looked satisfyingly at this bargain that I had been able to grasp, only to realise that I had grabbed Fish and chips instead of calimari and chips. I panicked for a second, and rushed back towards the hot food warmer, and placed the box of fish and chips back. I searched worriedly for calimari and chips, and thankfully, it was still there.

This is the part where I do the stupidest thing ever, even though at the time, I thought it would be the most fantastic idea ever. Since these boxes were closed, I observed that the contents of the box would quickly dampen, and become soggy. Not something that I wanted. So I thought to get the boxes that were further back, because they were more recently made, hence, more fresh and crisp. I moved a few boxes out of the way and reached out for a calamari and chips box. Once I had my hand on it, I immediately lifted it up, intending to make it hover over the boxes that blocked it's way from me. However, I lifted a centimetre too high, and I hit the metal guard of the light that kept ALL the hot food warm. Metal+Light+Sarah's skin= HARDCORE BURN.

Reaction: Damn, I got burnt. That hurt. Not that much, but it hurt. I went to line up for my food again, and, once assuring myself that I had gotten the right box, I paid and left. I went straight to the nearest table of which some of my friends were on, including Kathy. I put the box down and showed my friends my scary and quickly recounted what happened. Then I pulled Kathy with me into the female toilets so I could have company while my hand was under water for about 2 minutes.

Afterwards, people kept telling me to go to First Aid. So, I did. I got there, and told Kathy to hold the food. Then I entered. Two female VISITOR ladies were standing around, having casual conversation; when I came in, they looked at me and utter annoyance. Our conversation went something like this:

Me: "Um, I burnt myself about 7 minutes ago and my friends told me I was meant to go see you..."
First Aid lady: "Did you put it under water?"
Me: "Uh yes, I left my hand under cold water for 2 minutes about 3 minutes ago... about that... yeah"
First Aid lady: "Does it hurt?"
Me: "Well, no." (You'd think that once your hand has been under icey cold water for 2 minutes, it would have gone numb, and it wouldn't hurt? Dur.
First Aid lady: "Well then, we can't help you. So see you soon!"

And she waved me good bye, her expression showing good riddance of me. Okay, now you'd think, that they'd at least put cream on my scar or something? But no, they didn't. They didn't even care. Which brings me to another point. When you're sick, and you want to go home, your teacher sends you to First Aid. They ask you what's wrong, and you tell them that you feel sick. So they tell you to lie down or sit on the chair for an hour. So you do. And you're still sick, feeling like you're going to puke... or something. However you feel. One hour later they come back, asking you if you're better. You say no, so they say they'll call your parents.

OKAY, HELLO MISS FIRST AID, WE NEED AID. FIRST. At the very least. So inconsiderate, these people. They don't care! *sigh*, that's why, Occupational Health and Safety stuff is pointless, because if you get hurt, or sick, they won't do anything about it. Dodgy!

And that's Aiball's pen in the photo, the ugly pink one. It goes alright but. I also finished Twilight! Yay! It's so interesting! And if you guys were wondering about what happened to my picture, I've concluded that someone MUST have thrown it out, or stolen it. Because my mum cleaned the house very extensively in search for it, and failed to find it. Vanished before our very eyes. So, so, so, so, so buon (in case you didn't know, buon means sad in vietnamese :). So I've started again. With some sort of abstract picture. It doesn't look any easier. Oh how exhilirating. Oh well. Anyway I'll show you what I learnt in one of my Divinity classes. We were reading the Bible, and I was also reading it, but paying absolutely no attention to my teacher. We read from Romans 6:23, which is only the verse I kind of extracted from. Here goes:

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

We PAY with sin to receive death, but we cannot pay for God to give us eternal life, but it is a gift; something that we decide to receive, and something that is already bought through Jesus Christ. When we sin, we are paying for our death to come nearer, but through Jesus Christ we are redeemed of our sins, and we are given the gift of Life.

And yeah, that's it. Kinda obvious, but something interesting to learn.. in class. I think I wrote too much! Well I suppose that's all from me. Catcha all soon!

Skidaddles youse~

1 comment:

NitNav said...

you know what would be funny and be a real good punch line?

The box that your friend was holding... was actually fish and chips and not the calamari :D

But yeah, stuffed up world ey? You're hurt, they don't care ><

Yeah... a gift indeed... freely given.. and yet we dont accept...

thought people like free stuff =]