Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Choices Of Initiation.

Just when I thought you couldn't sound sweeter... you just did.

I had a SWEET day today!

Went to Highpoint in the morning and watched UP in 3D YEAH! But they stuffed up the start. It didn't look 3D at first, but rather simply double imaging. I got so paranoid that it was where we were sitting (at the very back), that we moved to a closer spot. There was no difference apart from a slight angle in our view. The movie was 30 minutes in with a constant double-imaging, off hue inversions also snapping in and out from time to time, until the screen went blank and in walked a tall, smartly dressed man who addressed us that the computer which was screening our movie was having technical problems with the 3D monitoring, and we would have to wait a few minutes until they fix up this minor problem.
SO we waited about 10 minutes, and finally it was working. Whilst in the midst of complaining, scattered 'WOAHS' and 'COOL's were shouted from around the cinema as three-dimensional viewing commenced, followed by loud amount of annoyed 'shooshing' from the adults. What cute kids.

Still wondering about the start though.. about the clouds? Like, what the hizzeck? Oh well, it was so cute though.

And well, the movie was AWESOME. Apart from the technical difficulties. I kept the glasses. I feel like the awesomest person ever, because they look like nerd glasses and shades put into one. Epic.

Bought a new notebook afterwards. It's really pretty... and I'm still wondering if that $25 was worth the prettiness. I'm still weighing up the costs, even though I've already bought it.

Went to the city to meet up with an old friend. Haha OLD. (: We first went to eat Nando's, which was AWESOME, I'd been craving Nando's for SO long. And I'm hungry now thinking of it, dang it!
Then, after calling a CERTAIN SOMEONE about THREE TIMES with no avail to him PICKING UP, we went to Bourke street. There, I went to Artbox and bought a new pencil case, steel ruler and extra thin 4pen. Awesome! Goodbye Centrelink money!

I also saw a Monokuro Boo cup there, and I couldn't help but think about my brother. It was so pretty... so I bought it. Now I'm wondering whether I should have bought it, because nothing significant is coming up for him except for Christmas. Oh well. Early Christmas present!

Went to JB HiFi, and BOUGHT THE NEW MUSE ALBUM! I say it's worth the buy, having already tried.
However, I was shattered to hear that there were no The Classic Crime albums in stock. In no store. What. So. Ever. By this, I mean The Silver Cord. I felt so ragey after that. I'm DYING to buy that album. I want it so badly!

Oh well, hopefully on Thursday I can go get it when I go to Word.. I mean, IF I go to Word. (:

Bought new guitar strings. Could not sound any sweeter than it does right now. My heart is melting at every stroke, even if it's not as clear because of these beautiful fake nails which intrude my soft serenading to myself. I'm such a loser.

Then we went to have Max Brenner's. Mm, Tutti Frutti Waffles...

I see why only couples go on one-on-one outings now. There's simply too much time for just friends to be able to fill the lingering silence when a conversation ends.

Oh well, you learn something new everyday.

LOL, Sarah.
Don't you think that you could have initiated something?

1 comment:

Nickyyyy said...

