Monday, May 11, 2009

Let's Talk Love, Love.

Because once you've let someone enter to your heart once, if or when they leave, there's going to be a void left that can't be filled by anyone else. In a sense, they've taken a part of your heart for keeps, and the scar will be there forever, and it's impossible to be completely and humanly whole again.

But by the grace of God...

And this is why I pursue a life without pointless, fleeting relationships: high-school relationships and the like. Most high-school relationships are based on simple attractions towards each other; temporary, rapid increase of hormones which almost completely controls us as we desperately try to find our place and make our mark in the world... but it seems that we've been making marks on each other's hearts. Are we really so selfish as to force our desire to be granted to us, that we should be loved by those who don't know how to love us, and steal a part of their heart for ourselves? Can we really say that we love them, when really, we just want them to make us happy and complete? Through trial and error, we sift through many things, and even many people, in search for this 'love' that makes everyone whole again... but why are we going through each other as if we can find completeness within them when we can't even find it within ourselves to genuinely 'love' without selfish cause?

Everyone's looking for something more. Everyone is searching for some sort of 'thing' that is supernatural, miraculous, and something eternal. Everyone knows that feelings are like the weather, ever changing, and yet we pursue them anyway, in effort to make ourselves complete. We're destroying ourselves and each other, we're taking each other apart to stitch ourselves back up, and in effect, we're dying.

Our hearts thirst for something that is eternal, so why are we quenching their thirst with the temporary? Is it not right that as long as we live, we give our heart what it needs for as long as it lives? And in our hearts, we all know that there was something more than our lives, something beyond this life, so why are we covering our true desires for the eternal with the fleeting?

... we are called to something heavenly.

I pray that you might find the love that I am discovering, and that you will diligently and earnestly seek this love. This is real, this is eternal, and this is the love that was poured out on the cross that day, just over 2000 years back. When someone dies for you, and you never see their face, and you don't even know their name... do you take this love for granted?

Let me tell you one thing: this love that I speak of is called 'agape' love. We cannot comprehend it, but we can only accept it.


This is something that seems to me to be really heavy... and I don't want to exhaust the point I am trying to make with further evaluation. This is what I present to you, this is what is on my heart. I hope this challenges you, as it challenges me every day.

And finally, I hope that I can show you this love, not by my words, but by my actions.

LOL, Sarah. :)

1 comment:

ghost said...

Sarah Donutz!
Wow, I listened to the song :o It's fall-asleepable :3 I like it lots, thanks!

I get really bored during the night and I happen to have all these useless thoughts in my head which I eventually type out :) Ahaha, I've been meaning to write just ONE entry a day... but I get too carried away... Lol!

I like it when you write though, and I visit your blogspot often (nothing susssss!), but no pressure!