Tuesday, February 17, 2009


"Mom?" The child watched as his mother rushed to and fro throughout the kitchen, spraying frantically at lines and lines of tiny black beads that outlined the tables. The mother paused, and wearily eyed her son.

"Yes, son?" She replied.

"Why do we have to kill all the ants?" The mother chuckled at her primitive-minded 6 year old son's question, and gestured him closer to her.

"Well, sweetie," The boy's mother pointed first at a crack in the corner, and then towards a jar of sugar, "that's because if we don't kill them, they'll steal all our food and we won't be able to eat anything anymore".


His mother continued on her killing frenzy for a short moment.


"Yes, sweetie?"

"Can I have that ant spray? There's ants in my room, and they want my cookies".


Ants are just so tedious to handle. One, two, three crawl around my desk, and my eyes shoot towards them immediately. My entire being shudders as the tiny black beads skilfully navigate their way through the obstacles that I would call a disorganised table. One attempts to climb a 90 degree angle up my desk light; another across my ruler, which is decorated with multicoloured foam letters of the alphabet pressed into their appropriate inserts on a strip of red foam. The third attempts to disappear under an idle make-up box that I'd never used.

Thank-you, dear little ant. You gave me a fantastic idea.

I quickly grab the make-up box, just in time before the single ant could climb up its slope. The ant pauses in its tracks, and then almost immediately scurries backwards to the direction it had come from. It was as if it was anticipating my 'surprise' attack. The other ants continue to straggle through their journey, and I eye my ruler carefully. That single ant was so unaware, so ignorant of what would soon happen to it. It crawls on casually off my ruler...


My make-up box lands squarely over the little ant's body. I must say that my weapon was quite an amount larger than what I would have needed, but I continue to use it.


The next two ants are down, and I only see corpses remaining underneath my make up box. I pull a disgusted face, and wipe their remains into the bin. I smile, and lay back in my chair.

Then something catches my eye.

A single ant fidgets, tossing and turning as it ventures its way to the top of my money box. It pokes its head through the slit, then turns away. Smart ant, isn't it? I eye it carefully. I decide not to use my Weapon Of Massive Ant Destruction, and I draw my face closer to where the ant stands. I bring my finger up near my money box, and patiently wait until it is just the right time to...


The ant collides with the wall, and falls down to the ground. I am not sure if it's dead or not, but as long as I don't see it, I'm content.


Wouldn't you just love to kill ants with me?

LOL, Sarah.

Where is he? Where is he? Where is this beautiful guy?
- Where are you; Natalie ft. Justin Roman


trandrew said...

LOLOLOL i remember me and kathy talking about u miss ant hunter. armed with flame throwers and a legion of ant eating echidna xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. ttyl em, much love xoxo.

Anonymous said...

hahaha, i'm not much of a fan of ants either but i hate spiders even more >.<

i witnesses a nest of spiders opening up in my room once... talk about infestation *shudder*