Monday, August 11, 2008

Bedtime stories.

I'm so tired. Dead set tired. Damn man, damn.

Not much to update, my scar is still festy. I have completely stopped colouring my NEW piece of art; why? Because I hate it. Duh. Why would I colour in something I hate? Anyway yessums, I am meant to be doing a few things. I've just remembered that I have an oral presentation on friday, and on the 22nd I have some art thing due. EH. WHATEVER.


Everyday I seem to get some pretty random words in my head. A bit like "word of the day" kind of thing. For example, the other day, I kept thinking about perogative. And another was prominent. And now today, derogatory. I don't even know what it means, but it sure does sound cool (:

I have decided to say this: I no longer have any idea what to write.


As if anything I've written so far has any relevance to you, apart from maybe you saying occasionally, "Hey! I do that too! Hey, we can totally relate to each other now! We're friends now! YAY!" Well yeah, I suppose, you're lame. Haha nah I'm joking, it's totally cool to relate to people.

I suppose I do go deep, but it's never really revealed, because I have speech problems. Ha. Someone told me a few days ago that when we think, our mind is talking to ourselves. And I was like. Huh. So true... lol. Yes, I say Lol. Now shoosh. :) I'll just reveal a little something of how my mind works.

In any situation, any strange circumstance, my mind is somehow able to wind it into a story. For example, I'm in a fight, and I'm standing next to the girl who's angry at me. And we just stood there, still, unable to break the deafening silence between us. I could not bring myself to speak, for there was nothing more I could say. It was her that would change everything, if only she would forgive me.

Haha, there you go. An exerpt of my mind. A sad attempt also, at trying to sound like a professional writer. Makes me laugh. It's interesting though, I love how my mind works. Makes me think, life could be like a story. Well for your information Sarah, yes, it is! Life is a story, perhaps one of the most dramatic stories ever set in a first person's point of view: you. Which then reminds me: should you really be looking through your point of view? Where you have ultimate control of what you see, hear, think, or do? Everything is as dramatic as you want it... it's a story. It's your story. But is it your story? Are you really the writer? Or are you the character that experiences the events that you do? Is not the author God?

Point to ponder ;)

Where you gonna go? Salvation is here.

Funny, I write how I talk. For example, in my previous blog... "Is it to glorify God? Or something else." Yeah, it's bad grammar, I know. But I was so into it when I was writing; my mind went something like this: Is it to GLORIFY GOD? (voice going to a higher pitch) OR SOMEthing else? (voice returning to original pitch).

Get me? Well it doesn't really matter.

Arrivederci! (Please don't kill me, I haven't done Italian for over 5 years now) Hehe. It means see you later, and that's all I remember.

Oh yes, I shall also tell you the meaning of my NAME! As in my username. Ok basically it means this.

Lots Of Love, Sarah.


1 comment:

Colin Reynolds said...

I kinda like your head conversation story thing. You're right - life is a story. In fact life is history...actually that should be written HIS-story. And you're a history maker Sarah cos your making HIS-story real in many of our lives. Keep up your profundity (yep that's my word of the day!)