Saturday, April 24, 2010

Prospects Insipid.

One day, the world may well swallow itself whole.

We are no longer blinded by the brilliant rays of the sun, but instead by the beaming headlights of motor vehicles, violently rushing past us as they impatiently draw near to their destination.
We no longer wait for the glow of the stars and the guiding light of the moon to greet us in its soft
reverie, and shine upon our path.
No, we impatiently work towards our own lights: artificial lights that enable us to work and play later on into the night.
We neglect the natural creation for our own, and are clogging out the world; a world which was once so beautiful.
A world untouched, unstained by the experiences of man.
One day, one will say 'What have we done?' as they search the horizon for the sun; it is gone, for the skies are black with clouds of oil.
And on that day, another will reply in glum sadness, 'What we can no longer undo'.
Man will finally weep for the world; not for its perishing, but for their ignorance to it.
And the world, so drowned in man's desire, will slowly fade away.

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
I have committed a treacherous doing. Your glorious covenant of law, thrashed to the ground, splintered into pieces by my very hand. And now, I can never pay it back.

And I know that You have paid the price for me already.

This repentant heart cries at Your feet. I need You, I cannot face the world alone.
I need You.
You are all I need.
Forgive me.

Pray, when do these tears cease?

"All these needless pains we bear because we do not carry everything to God in prayer". - What A Friend We Have In Jesus.
One of those worship revelations; something like God's opening our eyes...
And our bearing of so much pain, simply because we do not give it up to God.

LOL, Sarah.


Huy Tran said...

Clouds of oil.. I like, I like!

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