Thursday, April 15, 2010


Dearest, I wish you wouldn't tire me out, so strenuously heaping all the burden and initiation on me; for there is only so much I can bear before I will collapse, and inevitably this whole relationship will too. Don't let my human failure be its demise.

I wish I would not hold you in such high esteem, but I cannot help it. I leave too much room for you to fall, in almost too full a trust that you will get back up again. I suppose I think too well of you, and you probably don't deserve it. No one deserves to be thought of like this; I should know, for I've experienced and learned countless times that you cannot fully depend on others.

But that doesn't then mean that I will hastily turn from you as soon as I see you buckle. I want to see you get back up again, and I would do anything in my power to help; only if you allow.

Again, I've bored myself out talking about my minuscule problems. -_-"
But on an outrageously, ridiculously amazing note, I'M GOING TO JOHN MAYER'S CONCERT! I smile everytime I think about it (: AHH I CAN'T WAIT (:

I'll blog something decent soon. . .

Okay, so I just found out that synonyms for 'humanity' include altruism, kindheartedness, compassion, benevolence.

And I suppose if I don't believe in anything else, I could believe in man's intention, because in the end, it's all we have if we can't even bring ourselves to do anything else.

LOL, Sarah.

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