Monday, April 19, 2010

'Ad Infinitum'; Faithfulness.

You made me smile today, and I suppose I've regretted even having you in my life. Gosh, you mean a lot more to me than even I thought. I really enjoy your presence.

And I suppose, all jokes aside, all those quirky rumours and enstranged truths aside... I'm really blessed to have you. I don't really thank you enough.

Because to me, you almost seemed like the sun, beaming upon me and enveloping me in your instant warmth, and sheltering me from all the rain and the hail that had been so wickedly sneering at me these past few weeks. Even the brightness of your rays seized the winds' howls, and sent them whimpering back into the dark mists above.

And yet, could I be less grateful? For I know in my heart of hearts, that I have not been satisfied with what I've been craving - selfishly, of course, and only partly by necessity, because I know, and everyone knows, that we cannot travel the world alone. Deservedly, we should, and I believe that with intense severity... but we aren't.

And to have this reveled upon me; the clouds, rolling back even a small portion of its wispy puffs, to reveal even a glimpse of His goodness through you. You may not believe it yourself, but I'm seeing it as a highlight, and I can no longer take you for granted.

If you read this, I wouldn't mind. If you don't, I still wouldn't mind. The heart of it is that you're a very good friend of mine, and perhaps in yours I am not inside that same framework, but nonetheless. You don't deserve any less.

I do really fear slipping back into fixed habits; disheveled and unorganised... not only in the exterior world but in mine own (ha, old English will be the death of me). Within my little, insignificant mind, I fear my attitude may fade, and my confidence will falter. And these fears are not without its doubts. I know I will.

But I know my God will rescue me.

LOL, Sarah.
Well, I've really begun to go overboard with these pictures ><" I love them though!! (: I mean, look at the sun peeking in the clouds! It's wonderful! With no credit to me of course :p


Huy Tran said...

you are SOOOO talking about me ^^

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures too!

It's scary when we realise how much someone means to us... as the amount that we love them also correlates with the pain that will be felt if they left.

Sir Zipp said...

It's peeking* not peaking at the end yo (:

Nickyyyy said...

I knew there was a reason to continue reading your posts

Huy Tran said...

whoa, 3 different people commenting. SO POPULAR SARAH. youre making me jealous :)