Monday, January 11, 2010


New Year's Resolutions:
To let the people I love know that they're loved...
And to try harder so that I won't lose any more relationships unless it's really time to go.

I realised today that I'm not an introvert... although nor am I an extrovert. There is a hefty weight on each side that balances me between two polarities, each from time to time dipping dangerously deeper to the left... sometimes to the right. Weights have begun to shift towards the favourable end, and the pole with which the weights once were held unswervingly has fallen to a slant.
Unstable. Insecure. Breakable.

It's simply between me and who I should be... and I have found myself at a crossroads in my personality. Which road can I take?

What do you usually do when I’m gone?
Wait for you to come back.

LOL, Sarah.


Anonymous said...
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NitNav said...

if it's breaking...

let God create a whole new creation in you...

that's my NYR for this year =]

Amy said...

awwww I love that spongebob quote ^^.

I've heard that there has often been a misrepresentation of what is an introvert and what is an extrovert...

According to a friend of mine who did a course that covered it, an extrovert is someone who draws energy or is reinvigorated being in the presence of other people (as opposed to someone who is loud and outgoing) and introverts are those who regain strength by spending time alone and reflecting on things (as opposed to someone who is quiet and shy).